Item search : 3499 item selected
06800S suction cup "Pow'r Grip", 0-ring
06801T suction cup "Pow'r Grip", Nylon ball
06803V Suction cup, "Pow'r Grip", Valve body
06804W suction cup "Pow'r Grip", complete piston
06805X suction cup, "Pow'r Grip", handle body
06813G suction cup, "Pow'r Grip", bolt
06814H suction cup, "Pow'r Grip", bolt According to the stock available
06821Q suction cup, "Pow'r Grip", handle body
06823S suction cup, "Pow'r Grip", complete piston
07302N points-driver, Pointix®, rubber handle stop
07304Q points-driver, Pointix®, trigger spring
07306S points-driver Pointix®, trigger pin
07308U points-driver Pointix®, pusher
07310W points-driver Pointix®, pusher spring
07316C points-driver Pointix®, ejector
07318F points-driver Pointix®, slide spring
07320H points-driver Pointix®, slide
07322K points-driver Pointix®, slide pin
07324M points-driver Pointix®, screw HC BT PLT M6 (x 10)
07326P points-driver Pointix®, rubber slide stop
07328R points-driver Pointix®, percussion spring
07330T points-driver Pointix®, ejector cover
07332V points-driver Pointix®, rubber foto
07334X points-driver Pointix®, guide bush
07336Z points-driver Pointix®, positionning pin
07338B points-driver Pointix®, screw M4 (x 25)
07340D points-driver Pointix®, nut H M4
07344J Points-driver Pointix®, washer 6 x 4,2 x 0,5
07350Q points-driver Pointix®, trigger
07352S points-driver Pointix®, block with shaft and nut
11403V glass cutter Vitrom®, wooden handle (x 12)
11404W glass cutter oil dispensing - "TN" out of stock
11406Y glass cutter with ball tapper Vitrom®, out of stock
11408A glass cutter M18, oil tank (x 1) out of stock
11410C glass cutter MP20 - oil tank out of stock
11412F glass cutter Vitrom wooden handle 135° carbide
11413G glass cutter Vitrom wooden handle 114° carbide
11421Q glass cutter M700S - Pistol out of stock
11426V glass cutter M17, oil tank (x 10) out of stock
11427W glass cutter M18, oil tank (x 10) out of stock
11429Y glass cutter MP20 - oil tank (x 10) out of stock
11435F glass cutter M15 - oil tank
11436G glass cutter adler sélection M17 - oil tank out of stock
11443P glass cutter - A.S. (x12)
11444Q glass cutter - A.S. x 1
11447T barrel A.S. with 6 wheels
11474X glass cutter Vitrom® - mounting for Vitrom® glasscutter
11475Y glass cutter Vitrom®, special professional cutter
11476Z glass cutter Vitrom®- special "PYROCERAM"
11500A glass cutter - oil tank
11501B glass cutter - oil tank for thick glass
11502C glass cutter - oil tank for very thick glass
11503D glass cutter - oil tank
11504F glass cutter - oil tank
11840V circle cutter Adler Selection, 6 processed steel cutting wheels, dia. 60
11841W circle cutter Adler Selection, 6 processed steel cutting wheels, dia. 100.
11842X circle cutter Adler Selection, 6 processed steel cutting wheels, dia. 200 out of stock
11856N circle cutter, slide peg with 6 steel cutting wheels out of stock
11865X circle cutter vitrom®, 6 processed steel cutting wheels, dia. 80 out of stock
12001V cutting wheel - tungsten carbide 135°
12005Z cutting wheel - tungsten carbide (x 10)
12007B cutting wheels - tungsten carbide (x 50)
12009D cutting head for glass cutter M159 out of stock
12010F cutting head for glass cutters M11 and M 169 H out of stock
12012H cutting head for glass cutters M11 and M159H out of stock
12014K cutting head for 114 04W
12016M cutting head for 114 11D out of stock
12020R cutting head for oil tank glass cutter 11500A
12021S cutting head for oil tank glass cutter 11501B
12022T cutting head for oil tank glass cutter 11503D
12023U cutting head for oil tank glass cutter 11503D
12024V cutting head for oil tank glass cutter 11504F
12300V wheel-holder n°6 with Vitrum® N cutting wheel, 118° x 1
12301W wheel-holder n°6 with Vitrum® N cutting wheel, 125° x 1
12302X cutting wheels Vitrum® 95° x 50
12303Y cutting wheel Vitrum®, 95° x 1
12304Z wheel-holder n°6 with Vitrum® N cutting wheel, 130° x 1
12305A wheel-holder n°6 with Vitrum® N cutting wheel, 135° x 1 on request
12306B wheel-holder n°6 with Vitrum® N cutting wheel, 140° x 1
12307C wheel-holder n°6 with Vitrum® N cuttin wheel, 145° x 1
12308D wheel-holder n°6 with Vitrum® N cutting wheel, 150° x 1
12309F cutting wheel Vitrum® , 100° x 1 out of stock
12310G wheel-holder n°6 with Vitrum® N cutting wheel, 155° x 1 on request
12311H wheel-holder n°6 with Vitrum® N cutting wheel, 118° x 25
12312J wheel-holder n°6 with Vitrum® N cutting wheel, 125° x 25
12313K cutting wheel Vitrum® , 105° x 1
12314L wheel-holder n°6 with Vitrum® N cutting wheel, 130° x 25
12315M wheel-holder n°6 with Vitrum® N cutting wheel, 135° x 25
12316N wheel-holder n°6 with Vitrum® N cutting wheel, 140° x 25
12317P cutting wheel Vitrum® , 110° x 1
12318Q cutting wheels Vitrum®, 110° for cristal industry x 50
12319R wheel-holder n°6 with Vitrum® N cutting wheel, 145° x 25
12320S wheel-holder n°6 with Vitrum® N cutting wheel, 150° x 25
12321T wheel-holder n°6 with Vitrum® N cutting wheel, 155° x 25 out of stock
12322U Wheel-holder n°14. Vitrum®A. Cutting wheel 135° x 25
12323V Wheel-holder n°14. Vitrum®A. Cutting wheel 140° x 25
12324W Wheel-holder n°14. Vitrum®A. Cutting wheel 145° x 25
12325X Wheel-holder n°14. Vitrum®A. Cutting wheel 150° x 25
12326Y Wheel-holder n°14. Vitrum®A. Cutting wheel 155° x 25
12327Z Wheel-holder n°14. Vitrum®A. Cutting wheel 125° x 25
12328A cutting wheel Vitrum® , 114° x 1
12329B cutting wheels Vitrum®, 114° x 50 on request
12330C cutting wheels Vitrum®, 114° for crystal industry x 50
12331D Wheel-holder n°14. Vitrum®A. Cutting wheel 130° x 25
12333G cutting wheels VITRUM 114° x 50
12334H cutting wheel VITRUM 14° x 1 Rädchen VITRUM 114° x 1
12341Q wheel-holder n°20 US, steel, with Vitrum® N cutting wheel, 125° x 25
12342R wheel-holder n°20 US, steel, with Vitrum® N cutting wheel, 130° x 25
12343S wheel-holder n°20 US, steel, with Vitrum® N cutting wheel, 125° x 25
12344T wheel-holder n°20 US, steel, with Vitrum® N cutting wheel, 140° x 25
12345U wheel-holders No 3 with Vitrum® F cutting wheel, 118° x 100
12346V cutting wheel Vitrum®, 118° x 1
12347W cutting wheels Vitrum®, 118° x 50
12348X wheel-holder n°1, steel, with Vitrum® N cutting wheel, 118° x 1
12349Y wheel-holder n°1, steel, with Vitrum® N cutting wheel, 118° x 25
12350Z wheel-holder n°3, steel, with Vitrum® cutting wheel, 118° x 1
12351A wheel-holder n°3, steel, with Vitrum® cutting wheel, 118° x 25
12352B wheel-holder n°5 with Vitrum® cutting wheel, 118° x 1
12353C wheel-holder n°5, with Vitrum® cutting wheel, 118° x 25
12354D wheel-holder n°7, steel, with Vitrum® cutting wheel, 118° x 1
12355F wheel-holder n°7, steel, with Vitrum® N cutting wheel, 118° x 25
12356G wheel-holder n°9, steel, with Vitrum® N cutting wheel, 118°x 1
12357H wheel-holder n°20, steel, with Vitrum® N cutting wheel, 118° x 1
12358J wheel-holder n°10, steel, with Vitrum® N cutting wheel, 118°x 1
12359K wheel-holder n°20, steel, with Vitrum® N cutting wheel, 118° x 25
12360L cutting-wheels Vitrum® 118° for crystal industry x 50
12363P wheel-holder n°20 US, steel, with Vitrum® N cutting wheel, 145° x 25
12364Q wheel-holder n°20 US, steel, with Vitrum® N cutting wheel, 150° x 25
12365R wheel-holder n°20 US, steel, with Vitrum® N cutting wheel, 155° x 25
12366S wheel-holder n°6 with Vitrum® N cutting wheel, 95° x 25 (on request)
12367T wheel-holder n°3, steel with Vitrum® F cutting wheel, 125° x 100
12369V cutting wheel Vitrum® , 125° x 1
12370W wheels Vitrum® 125° x 50
12371X steel wheel-holder n°1, with Vitrum® N cutting wheel, 125° x 1
12372Y steel wheel-holder n°1, with Vitrum® N cutting wheel, 125° x 25
12373Z steel wheel-holder n°3, with Vitrum® N cutting wheel, 125° x 1
12374A steel wheel-holder n°3, with Vitrum® N cutting wheel, 125° x 25
12375B wheel-holder n°5, technical plastic, with Vitrum® N cutting wheel, 125° x 1
12376C wheel-holder n°5, technical plastic with Vitrum® N cutting wheel, 125° x 25
12377D wheel-holder n°7, steel, with Vitrum® N cutting wheel, 125° x 1
12378F wheel-holder n°7, steel, with Vitrum® N cutting wheel, 125° x 25
12379G wheel-holder n°9, steel, with Vitrum® N cutting wheel, 125° x 1
12380H wheel-holder n°20, steel, with Vitrum® N cutting wheel, 125° x 1
12381J wheel-holder n°10, steel, with Vitrum® N cutting wheel, 125° x 1
12382K wheel-holder n°20, steel, with Vitrum® N cutting wheel, 125° x 25
12387Q cutting wheel, Vitrum® 130° x 1 out of stock
12388R cutting-wheels Vitrum® 130° x 50
12389S wheel-holder n°1, steel with Vitrum® N cutting wheel, 130° x 1
12390T wheel-holder n°1, steel with Vitrum® N cutting wheel, 130° x 25
12391U wheel-holder n°3, steel with Vitrum® N cutting wheel, 130° x 1
12392V wheel-holder n°3, steel with Vitrum® N cutting wheel, 130° x 25
12393W wheel-holder n°5, technical plastic with Vitrum® N cutting wheel: 130°x 1
12394X wheel-holder n°5, technical plastic with Vitrum® N cutting wheel, 130° x 25
12395Y wheel-holder n°7, steel with Vitrum® N cutting wheel, 130° x 1
12396Z wheel-holder n°7, steel with Vitrum® N cutting wheel, 130° x 25
12397A wheel-holder n°9, steel with Vitrum® N cutting wheel, 130° x 1
12398B wheel-holder n°20, steel with Vitrum® N cutting wheel, 130° x 1
12400D wheel-holder n°10, steel with Vitrum® N cutting wheel, 130° x 1
12401F wheel-holder n°20, steel with Vitrum® N cutting wheel, 130° x 25
12403H cutting wheel Vitrum® P x 1
12405K wheel-holders n°3 with Vitrum® F cutting wheel, 135° x 100
12406L cutting wheel Vitrum® , 135° x 1 According to the stock available
12407M cutting wheels Vitrum® 135° x 50 out of stock
12408N wheel-holder n°1, steel with Vitrum® N cutting wheel, 135° x 1
12409P wheel-holder n°1, steel with Vitrum® N cutting wheel, 135° x 25
12410Q wheel-holder n°3, steel with Vitrum® N cutting wheel, 135° x 1
12411R wheel-holder n°3, steel with Vitrum® N cutting wheel, 135° x 25
12412S wheel-holder n°5, technical plastic with Vitrum® N cutting wheel, 135° x 1
12413T wheel-holder n°5, technical plastic with Vitrum® N cutting wheel, 135° x 25
12414U wheel-holder n°7, steel with Vitrum® N cutting wheel, 135° x 1
12415V wheel-holder n°7, steel with Vitrum® N cutting wheel, 135° x 25
12416W wheel-holder n°9, steel with Vitrum® N cutting wheel, 135° x 1
12417X wheel-holder n°20, steel with Vitrum® N cutting wheel, 135° x 1
12418Y wheel-holder n°10, steel with Vitrum® N cutting wheel, 135° x 1
12419Z wheel-holder n°20, steel with Vitrum® N cutting wheel, 135° x 25
12424F wheel-holder n°1, with Vitrum® N cutting wheel, 140° x 1
12425G wheel-holder n°1, steel with Vitrum® N cutting wheel, 140° x 25
12426H wheel-holder n°5, technical plastic with Vitrum® N cutting wheel, 140° x 1
12427J wheel-holder n°5, technical plastic with Vitrum® N cutting wheel, 140° x 25
12428K wheel-holder n°7, steel with Vitrum® N cutting wheel, 140° x 1
12429L wheel-holder n°7, steel with Vitrum® N cutting wheel, 140° x 25
12430M wheel-holder n°7, steel with Vitrum® N cutting wheel, 140° x 1
12431N wheel-holder n°20, steel with Vitrum® N cutting wheel, 140° x 1
12432P wheel-holder n°10, steel with Vitrum® N cutting wheel, 140° x 1
12433Q cutting wheel Vitrum®, 140° x 1
12434R cutting wheels Vitrum® 140° x 50 out of stock
12435S wheel-holder n°20, steel with Vitrum® N cutting wheel, 140° x 25
12437U wheel-holder n°3, steel with Vitrum® N cutting wheel, 140° x 1
12438V wheel-holder n°3, steel with Vitrum® N cutting wheel, 140° x 25
12442Z wheel-holder n°1, with Vitrum® N cutting wheel, 145° x 1
12443A wheel-holder n°1, steel with Vitrum® N cutting wheel, 145° x 25
12444B wheel-holders n°5, technical plastic with Vitrum® N cutting wheel, 145° x 1
12445C wheel-holder n°5, technical plastic with Vitrum® N cutting wheel, 145° x 25
12446D wheel-holder n°7, steel with Vitrum® N cutting wheel, 145° x 1
12447F cutting wheel Vitrum® 145° x 1
12448G cutting wheels Vitrum® 145° x 50
12449H wheel-holder n°7, steel with Vitrum® N cutting wheel, 145° x 25
12450J wheel-holder n°9, steel with Vitrum® N cutting wheel, 145° x 1
12451K wheel-holder n°3, steel with Vitrum® N cutting wheel, 145° x 1
12452L wheel-holder n°3, steel with Vitrum® N cutting wheel, 145° x 25
12453M wheel-holder n°20, steel with Vitrum® N cutting wheel, 145° x 1
12454N wheel-holder n°10, steel with Vitrum® N cutting wheel, 145° x 1
12455P wheel-holder n°20, steel with Vitrum® N cutting wheel, 145° x 25
12458S wheel-holders n°3, steel with Vitrum® F cutting wheel, 145° x 100
12459T wheel-holder n°3, steel with Vitrum® A cutting wheel, 145° x 25
12460U wheel-holder n°7, steel ith Vitrum® N cutting wheel, 150° x 1
12461V cutting wheel Vitrum® 150° x 1
12462W wheels Vitrum® 150° x 50
12463X wheel-holder n°1, steel with Vitrum® N cutting wheel, 150° x 1
12464Y wheel-holder n°1, steel with Vitrum® N cutting wheel, 150° x 25
12465Z wheel-holder n°3, steel with Vitrum® N cutting wheel, 150° x 1
12466A wheel-holder n°3, steel with Vitrum® N cutting wheel, 150° x 25
12467B wheel-holders n°5, technical plastic with Vitrum® N cutting wheel, 150° x 1
12468C wheel-holder n°5, technical plastic with Vitrum® N cutting wheel, 150° x 25
12469D wheel-holder n°7, steel with Vitrum® N cutting wheel, 150° x 25
12470F wheel-holder n°9, steel with Vitrum® N cutting wheel, 150° x 1
12471G wheel-holder n°20, steel with Vitrum® N cutting wheel, 150° x 1
12472H wheel-holder n°10, with Vitrum® N cutting wheel, 150° x 1
12473J wheel-holder n°20, steel with Vitrum® N cutting wheel, 150° x 25
12475L wheel-holder n°3, steel with Vitrum® A cutting wheel, 150° x 25
12478P cutting wheel Vitrum® 155° x 1
12479Q cutting wheels Vitrum® 155° x 50
12481S wheel-holder n°3, steel with Vitrum® A cutting wheel, 155° x 25
12482T wheel-holder n°3, steel with Vitrum® N cutting wheel, 155° x 1
12484V wheel-holder n°5, technical plastic with Vitrum® N cutting wheel, 155° x 1
12485W wheel-holder n°5, technical plastic with Vitrum® N cutting wheel, 155° x 25
12486X wheel-holder n°20, steel with Vitrum® N cutting wheel, 155° x 1
12487Y wheel-holder n°20, steel with Vitrum® N cutting wheel, 155° x 25
12551T cutting wheels Vitrum® S132° for crystal industrie x 50
12574T Holder N°12 for Vitrum® cutting-wheel According to the stock available
12591M axles made of hardened true steel, dia. 1.5 mm, L5,8, for Vitrum® wheel x 10 According to the stock available
12592N axles Vitrum® 1.5 x 4.8 - Hardened steel x 10
12593P axles made of true steel, dia. 1.5 mm, L6,8, for Vitrum® wheel x 10
12594Q axles for Vitrum® cutting-wheel - Length 8,8 mm According to the stock available
12595R axles made of hardened true steel, dia. 1,5 mm, L 7,8 for Vitrum® wheel x 10 According to the stock available
12596S axle for Vitrum® cutting-wheel - Length 9.8 mm x 10 According to the stock available
12597T axle for Vitrum® cutting-wheel - Length 13,8 mm x 10 According to the stock available
12598U axles for Vitrum® cutting-wheel - Length 15,8 x10 mm According to the stock available
12902Z tracer Relda® with diamond tip
12920U tracer, carbide tip out of stock
12930F chalk, white. soft out of stock
12932H chalk, red. soft According to the stock available
12940R pencil, white, soft lead
12945W refills for pencil 129 44V - yellow leads x 3 According to the stock available
12951C felt pen for glass, blue
12953F felt pen for glass, red
13004L template for rounded shapes out of stock
13089C square, diagonal, one-piece moulded material, length 60 cm out of stock
13101R square, diagonal, single block, length 40 cm
13102S square, diagonal, single block, length 60 cm
13104U square, diagonal, length 105 cm
13105V square, diagonal, Length 125 cm
13106W square, diagonal, length 150 cm
13107X square, diagonal, length 200 cm
13108Y square, diagonal, length 250 cm out of stock
13109Z rule, laminate, section 80 mm X 4, length 100 cm
13110A rule, laminate, section 80 mm X 4, length 150 cm
13111B rule, laminate, section 80 mm X 4, length 200 cm
13113D spacer rules, graduated for model 13120M out of stock
13114F spacer rules, graduated for model 13121N out of stock
13115G spacer rules, graduated for model 13122P
13116H rule, laminate, section 60 mm X 4, length 100 cm
13117J rule, laminate section 60 mm X 4, length 125 cm
13118K rule, laminate section 60 mm X 4, length 150 cm
13119L rule, laminate section 60 mm X 4, length 200 cm
13125S square, diagonal, single block length 80 cm
13126T square,diagonal, single block, length 105 cm
13130X square, diagonal, single block, length 125 cm
13131Y square, diaonal, single block, length 150 cm
rule 70 x 5 mm, length 230 cm, for 2 suction cups
sold out replaced by
13136D suction cup for rule with suction pads
13137F rule with suction cups, section : 70 mm x 5, lenght 230 cm
13212M gauge, sliding type, aluminium alloy, 50 x 74 out of stock
13216R gauge with glass-cutter, aluminium alloy According to the stock available
13413F pliers - flatnose snapp-off pliers, 18 cm
13414G pliers - flatnose snapp-off pliers, 20 cm
13415H pliers - flatnose snapp-off pliers, 22 cm
13416J pliers - flatnose snapp-off pliers, 25 cm
13442M plier, parrot nose out of stock
13444P plier - cutting pliers, thin glass
13445Q pliers adler sélection flatnose snapp-off pliers, 20
13446R pliers adler sélection flatnose snapp-off pliers, 22
13447S plier for glass breaking out of stock
13600J oil, mineral x 5L According to the stock available
13803D drill for drilling dia. 3 mm out of stock
13804F drill for glass drilling dia. 4
13805G drill for glass drilling dia. 5
13806H drill for glass drilling dia. 6
13807J drill for glass drilling dia. 7
13808K drill for glass drilling dia. 8
13809L drill for glass drilling dia. 9
13810M drill for glass drilling dia. 10
13811N drill for glass drilling dia. 11 out of stock
13812P drill for glass drilling dia. 12
13814R drill for glass drilling dia. 14
13822Z diamond drill dia. 6 for tiling out of stock
13836Q drill for glass drilling and reaming dia. 16
13844Y drill for glass drilling and reaming dia. 24
13866X drill, long-shanked, dia. 6
13868Z drill, long-shanked, dia. 8
13870B drill, long-shanked, dia. 10
13881P reamer for glass, conical, diameter: 18 to 30
14213Z drill, diamond impregnated, "NORMAL" grade, dia. 17 out of stock
14214A drill, diamond impregnated, "NORMAL" grade, dia. 18 According to the stock available
14215B drill, diamond impregnated, "NORMAL" grade, dia. 20 out of stock
14216C drill, diamond impregnated, "NORMAL" grade, dia. 22 According to the stock available
14219G drill, diamond impregnated, "NORMAL" grade, dia. 30 According to the stock available
14220H drill, diamond impregnated, "NORMAL" grade, dia. 32 According to the stock available
14221J drill, diamond impregnated, "NORMAL" grade, dia. 35 According to the stock available
14222K drill, diamond impregnated, "NORMAL" grade, dia. 40 According to the stock available
14229S drilling head with morse cone No. 1
14232V drill, adjustable, diamond-tipped, 90 to 140 mm (on request) on request
14233W drill, adjustable, diamond-tipped, 70 to 100 mm (on request) on request
14235Y drill, adjustable, diamond-tipped, 130 to 180 mm (on request) on request
14237A segment, diamond-tipped for 14232V
14239C spacer, adjustable, for diamond-tipped drill (on request) on request
14241F drill, diamond impregnated, "EXTRA" grade, dia. 5
14242G drill, diamond impregnated, "EXTRA" grade, dia. 6
14243H drill, diamond impregnated, "EXTRA" grade, dia. 7
14244J drill, diamond impregnated, "EXTRA" grade, dia. 8
14245K drill, diamond impregnated, "EXTRA" grade, dia. 9
14246L drill, diamond impregnated, "EXTRA" grade, dia. 10
14247M drill, diamond impregnated, "EXTRA" grade, dia. 11
14248N drill, diamond impregnated, "EXTRA" grade, dia. 12
14249P drill, diamond impregnated, "EXTRA" grade, dia. 13
14250Q drill, diamond impregnated, "EXTRA" grade, dia. 14
14251R drill, diamond impregnated, "EXTRA" grade, dia. 15
14252S drill, diamond impregnated, "EXTRA" grade, dia. 16
14253T drill, diamond impregnated, "EXTRA" grade, dia. 18
14254U drill, diamond impregnated, "EXTRA" grade, dia. 17
14255V drill, diamond impregnated, "EXTRA" grade, dia. 20
14256W drilling head with morse cone No. 2 out of stock
14257X drill, diamond impregnated, "EXTRA" grade, dia. 22
14258Y drill, diamond impregnated, "EXTRA" grade, dia. 70
14259Z drill, diamond impregnated, "EXTRA" grade, dia. 25
14260A drill, diamond impregnated, "EXTRA" grade, dia. 27
14261B drill, diamond impregnated, "EXTRA" grade, dia. 30
14262C drill, diamond impregnated, "EXTRA" grade, dia. 32
14263D drill, diamond impregnated, "EXTRA" grade, dia. 35
14265G drill, diamond impregnated, "EXTRA" grade, dia. 40
14266H drill, diamond impregnated, "EXTRA" grade, dia. 60
14267J drill, diamond impregnated, "EXTRA" grade, dia. 65
14268K drill, diamond impregnated, "EXTRA" grade, dia. 90
14269L drill diamond impregnated, "EXTRA" grade, dia. 100
14270M stone for bit brightening, 100 x 25 x 15 mm out of stock
14272P segment, diamond-tipped, for 142 33W (on request) on request
14277U drill, diamond impregnated, "EXTRA" grade, dia. 50
14320R drill, diamond impregnated, pitch dia. 13 mm, dia. 20 out of stock
14322T drill, diamond impregnated, pitch dia. 13 mm, dia. 22 According to the stock available
14325W drill, diamond impregnated, pitch dia. 13 mm, dia. 25 According to the stock available
14330B drill, diamond impregnated, pitch dia. 13 mm, dia. 30 out of stock
14335H drill, diamond impregnated, pitch dia. 13 mm, dia. 35 According to the stock available
14345T drill, diamond impregnated, pitch dia. 13 mm, dia. 45 out of stock
14350Y drill, diamond impregnated, pitch dia. 13 mm, dia. 50 out of stock
14502P disk support ø 70 mm for use with "SWIFLEX" disk (on request)
14504R Band 100 x 3350 mm - average grit : 74 microns - Diamond (on request) on request
14505S band 100 x 3350 mm - Diamond - Fine grit : 40 microns (on request) on request
14506T disk, "SWIFLEX" for dry work - super coarse grit, Ø 50 out of stock
14509W band, diamond 30 x 533 - coarse grit
14510X disk, "SWIFLEX" for dry work - fine grit, Ø 50 According to the stock available
14511Y band, diamond - average grit
14513A disk, diamond-tipped, dia. 125mm, thickness: 1.7 mm, bore 20 mm out of stock
14514B disk, "SWIFLEX" for dry work - super fine grit, Ø 50 out of stock
14515C disk, diamond-tipped, dia. 85 mm, thickness: 1,5 mm, bore 15 mm
14517F band, diamond 30 x 533 - super-finish grit
14519H disk, diamond-tipped, dia. 150 mm, thickness: 1.1 mm, bore 15 mm
14521K disk, Telum - nickel binder - coarse grit
14522L disk, "SWIFLEX" for dry work - Super bright, Ø 50 out of stock
14526Q band diamond 65 x 482 mm, for mini-Diam, upper grade, microns 30
14527R disk, Telum - nickel binder / average grit
14531V plate, foam-covered, 115 mm for "Telum"
14533X disk, Telum - resin binder - average grit out of stock
14535Z disk, Telum - resin binder - fine grit
14537B disk, Telum - resin binder - super finish grit
14538C disk, Swiflex Telum - Turbo medium - super coarse grit
14539D disk, Swiflex Telum - Turbo medium - coarse grit
14540F disk, Swiflex Telum - Turbo medium - average grit
14541G disk, Swiflex Telum - Turbo medium - fine grit
14542H disk, Swiflex Telum - Turbo medium - very fine grit
14544K disk, Swiflex Telum - QRS backing - very coarse grit
14545L disk, Swiflex Telum - QRS backing - super coarse grit
14546M disk, Swiflex Telum - QRS backing - average grit
14547N disk, Swiflex Telum - QRS backing- fine grit
14548P disk, Swiflex Telum - QRS backing - very fine grit
14549Q disk, Swiflex Telum - QRS backing - super finish grit
14552T plate 115 mm, QRS backing
14553U band, diamond 30 x 533 - fine grit
14555W plane, wooden 127 X 57 mm According to the stock available
14556X disk, "SWIFLEX" for dry work - coarse grit, Ø 75 out of stock
14557Y disk, "SWIFLEX" for dry work - medium grit, Ø 75 out of stock
14558Z disk, "SWIFLEX" for dry work - fine grit, Ø 75 (on request)
14559A band 100 x 2000 mm, average grit : 74 microns on request
14560B sole plate, diamond-tipped 127 X 57 mm, 74 microns
14562D disk, diamond-tipped dia. 115 mm, microns: 74
14565H band 100 x 2000 mm, diamond, fine grit : 40 microns on request
14566J disk, "SWIFLEX" for dry work - fine grit, Ø 75 (on request)
14567K disk, "SWIFLEX" for dry work - super finish, Ø 75 (on request)
14568L disk, "SWIFLEX" for dry work - Super bright, Ø 75 (on request)
14569M disk support Ø 45 mm for use with "SWIFLEX" disk (on request)
14570N plate, diamond-impregnated, width: 2 mm out of stock
14571P disk, "SWIFLEX" for dry work - fine grit, Ø 50 According to the stock available
14572Q disk, "SWIFLEX" for dry work - super coarse grit, Ø 75 out of stock
14573R disk, "SWIFLEX" for dry work - super fine grit, Ø 75 (on request)
14574S band, diamond 65 x 482 mm, for mini-Diam, Swiflex® SDA G120 black Please contact us
14575T band, diamond 65 x 482 mm, for mini-Diam, Swiflex® SDA G200 red According to the stock available
14576U band, diamond 65 x 482 mm, for mini-Diam, Swiflex® SDA G400 yellow According to the stock available
14577V band, diamond 65 x 482 mm, for mini-Diam, Swiflex® SDA G800 white According to the stock available
14580Y band, diamond 65 x 482 mm, for mini-Diam, standard grade, microns 125 According to the stock available
14581Z band, diamond 65 x 482 mm, for mini-Diam, standard grade, microns 74 out of stock
14583B band, diamond 65 x 482 mm, for mini-Diam, standard grade, microns 30 out of stock
14623V double hand smoother, dual stone silicon carbide
14624W abrasive silicium carbide stone for 146 23V
14634H powder, abrasive, carbo G60 x 1 kg According to the stock available
14638M powder,abrasive, carbo, G100 x 1 kg out of stock
14644T CEROX 1670 powder, used on wet felt x 1 kg
14646V CEROX 1670 powder, used on wet felt x 20 kg
15000F band, abrasive 100 x 2000 mmm, grit 60 (x1)
15001G band, abrasive 100 x 2000 mm, grit 80 (x1) out of stock
15002H band, abrasive 100 x 2000 mm, grit 120 (x1) out of stock
15003J band, abrasive 100 x 2000 mm, grit 180 (x1) out of stock
15004K band, abrasive 100 x 2000 mm, grit 220 (x1) According to the stock available
15005L band, abrasive R445, 100 x 2690 mm, G80 (x1) on request
15006M band, abrasive R445, 100 x 2690 mm, G120 (x1) out of stock
15007N band, abrasive band R445, 100 x 2690 mm, G180 (x1) out of stock
15008P band, abrasive R445, 100 x 2690 mm, G220 (x1) on request
15009Q band Norton, cork 100 x 2000 mm (x1)
15020B band, abrasive R445, 65 x 482 mm, G60 (x1)
15021C band, abrasive R445, 65 x 482 mm, G80 (x1)
15023F band, abrasive R445, 65 x 482 mm, G180 (x1)
15024G band, abrasive R445, 65 x 482 mm, G220 (x1) According to the stock available
15026J band for polishing works NORAX U366 X5, 65 x 482 (x20)
15027K band for polishing works NORAX U366 X5, 100 x 1700 (x10)
15028L band for polishing works NORAX U366 X5, 100 x 2000 mm (x10)
15031P band, abrasive R445, 100 x 3350 mm, G60 (x1) out of stock
15032Q band, abrasive R445, 100 x 3350 mm, G80 (x1)
15033R band for polishing works NORAX U366 X5, 200 x 3350 (x10)
15034S band, abrasive R445, 100 x 3350 mm, G120 (x1)
15043B band for polishing works NORAX U366 X5, 65 x 482 (x1)
15044C band for polishing works NORAX U366 X5, 100 x 1700 (x1)
15045D band for polishing works NORAX U366 X5, 100 x 2000 mm (x1) (on demand)
15048H band for polishing works NORAX U366 X5, 200 x 3350 (x1)
15050K band, 3M cork polishing for wet working, 100 x 2690 mm (x1) According to the stock available
15051L band, abrasive R445, 200 x 3350 mm, G60 (x1)
15054P band, abrasive R445, 200 x 3350 mm, G120 (x1) out of stock
15056R band, abrasive R445, 200 x 3350 mm, G180 (x1) out of stock
15059U band, 3M cork polishing for dry working, 90 x 560 mm (x1) According to the stock available
15060V band, 3M cork polishing for dry working, 100 x 725 mm (x1) According to the stock available
15062X band, abrasive, 75 x 604 mm, G120 (x1) According to the stock available
15064Z band, abrasive, 75 x 604 mm, G240 (x1)
15070G band, abrasive, 75 x 604 mm, G60 (x1)
15075M band, cork polishing for dry working, 100 x 725 mm (x1)
15082U band, cork polishing for wet working, 100 x 3350 mm (x1)
15097L band, cork polishing for dry working, 90 x 560 mm (x1)
15109Y Disk, durite fibre abrasive F 425, G 80 (x1) out of stock
15110Z disk, durite fibre abrasive F 425, G 120 (x1) out of stock
15111A disk, durite fibre abrasive F 425, G 220 (x1) out of stock
15114D disk, durite paper abrasive H425 and 422, starred, G100 X 10 out of stock
15115F disk, durite paper abrasive H425 and 422, starred, G180 X 10 out of stock
15116G disk, durite paper abrasive H425 and 422, starred, G220 X 10 out of stock
15118J disk, durite paper abrasive H425 and 422, no starred, G60 X 10
15119K disk, durite paper abrasive H425 and 422, no starred, G80 X 10
15120L disk, durite paper abrasive H425 and 422, no starred, G100 X 10
15121M disk, durite paper abrasive H425 and 422, no starred, G180 X 10 out of stock
15134A disks, Trizact - green x 25
15136C disks, Trizact - brown x 25
15137D disks, Cérium x 25 on request
15138F disks, Trizact - green x 5 out of stock
15140H disks, Trizact - brown x 5
15146P disk holder diameter 125 mm According to the stock available
15152V wheel, polishing wheel, white felt, grooving machine
15153W wheel, silicon carbide, for Glassver, 100 x 10 x 12.7 mm According to the stock available
15154X wheel, silicon carbide, for grooving machine, 350 x 13 x 22.2mm
15162G band, abrasive, 30 x 533 mm, G120 (x1) out of stock
15163H band, abrasive, 30 x 533 mm, G180 (x1)
15166L sole, 115 x 280 mm for polishing - Cork According to the stock available
15171R band for polishing 70 x 830 mm - Cork (x1)
15172S disks, Cérium x 5 Minimal quantity required
15203A band, Norton Durite R445, abrasive for wet working, 100 x 2690 mm, G 220 (x10) out of stock
15209H band, Norton Durite R445, abrasive for wet working, 65 x 482 mm, G 60 (mini-Diam) (x20)
15210J band, Norton Durite R445, abrasive for wet working, 65 x 482 mm, G 80 (Mini-Diam) (x20)
15211K band, Norton Durite R445, abrasive for wet working, 65 x 482 mm, G 120 (Mini-Diam) (x20)
15212L band, Norton Durite R445, abrasive for wet working, 65 x 482 mm, G 180 (Mini-Diam) (x20)
15213M band, Norton Durite R445, abrasive for wet working, 65 x 482 mm, G 220 (Mini-Diam)(x20) out of stock
15215P band, Norton Durite R445, abrasive for wet working, 100 x 3350 mm, G 80 (Reld'Abrasive) (x10)
15216Q band, Norton Durite R445, abrasive for wet working, 100 x 3350 mm, G 120 (Reld'Abrasive) (x10)
15217R band, Norton Durite R445, abrasive for wet working, 100 x 3350 mm, G 180 (Reld'Abrasive) (x10)
15218S band, Norton Durite R445, abrasive for wet working, 100 x 3350 mm, G 220 (Reld'Abrasive) (x10)
15221V band, Norton Durite R445, abrasive for wet working, 200 x 3350 mm, G 180 (x10) out of stock
15223X band, Norton Durite RA27, abrasive for dry working, 75 x 604 mm, G120 (x20)
15225Z band, Norton Durite RA27, abrasive for dry working, 75 x 604 mm, G240 (x20)
15226A band, Norton Durite RA27, abrasive for dry working, 75 x 604 mm, G60 (x20)
15228C band, cork polishing for dry working, 100 x 725 mm (x20)
15230F band, cork polishing for wet working, 100 x 2690 mm (x10) According to the stock available
15231G band, cork polishing for wet working, 100 x 3350 mm (x10)
15233J band, cork polishing for dry working, 75 x 604 mm (x20) Minimal quantity required
15238P Abrasive band 100 x 2000 mm, Grit 60 (x10) According to the stock available
15239Q band, cork polishing for dry working, 90 x 560 mm (x20)
15240R disk, durite fibre abrasive F 425, G 80 (x100) out of stock
15241S disk, durite fibre abrasive F 425, G 120 (x100) out of stock
15242T disk, durite fibre abrasive F 425, G 220 (x100) out of stock
15245W disk, durite paper abrasive H425 and 422, starred, G100 (x100)
15248Z disk, durite paper abrasive H425 and 422, starred, G280 (x100) out of stock
15249A disk, durite paper abrasive H425 and 422, no starred, G60 (x100)
15250B disk, durite paper abrasive H425 and 422, no starred, G80 (x100) out of stock
15251C disk, durite paper abrasive H425 and 422, no starred, G100 (x100)
15271Z band, Norton durite R427, abrasive for dry working, 30 x 533 mm, G60 (x20)
15272A band, Norton durite R427, abrasive for dry working, 30 x 533 mm, G120 (x20)
15273B band, Norton durite R427, abrasive for dry working, 30 x 533 mm, G180 (x20)
15274C band, abrasive 100 x 2000 mm , grit 80 (x10) out of stock
15275D band, cork polishing for dry working, 30 x 533 mm (x20)
15280K bands, for polishing 70 x 830 mm - Cork (x20)
15283N band, Norton durite R427, abrasive, dry working, 30 x 533 mm, G.240 (x20) out of stock
15285Q band, Norton durite R427, abrasive, for dry working, 30 x 533 mm, G.240 (x1)
15288T band, abrasive band 100 x 2000 mm, grit 120 (x10) out of stock
15290V and, aAbrasive 100 x 2000 mm, grit 220 (x10)
15291W band Norton, cork 100 x 2000 mm (x10)
15300G abrasive band (A.S.) for dry working, 30 x 533 mm, G60 (x20) out of stock
15301H abrasive band (A.S.) for dry working, 75 x 604 mm, G60 (x20) out of stock
15302J abrasive band (A.S.) for dry working, 100 x 3350 mm, G80 (x10)
15304L abrasive band (A.S.) for dry working, 75 x 604 mm, G120 (x20) out of stock
15305M abrasive band (A.S.) for dry working, 65 x 482 mm, G120 (x20)
15306N abrasive band (A.S.) for dry working, 100 x 3350 mm, G120 (x10)
15307P abrasive band (A.S.) for dry working, 30 x 533 mm, G180 (x20) out of stock
15308Q abrasive band (A.S.) for dry working, 100 x 3350 mm, G220 (x10)
15310S abrasive band (A.S.) for dry working, 75 x 604 mm, G240 (x20) out of stock
17805D wheel for grinding, diamond C 0.50 out of stock
17808H wheel for grinding, diamond C 0.80
17810K wheel for grinding, diamond C 1.00
18009A tacks, diamond, box of 4 000
18010B tacks, triangular, box of 20 000
18011C tacks, triangular, 4 000
18012D tacks, diamond, box of 20 000
18100Z putty knife, boxwood type, laurel hinged leaf
18104D putty knife, curved dagger, boxwood
18108J putty knife, "butcher" shape, beech handle
18110L putty removal knife, steel
18204N spatula steel with leather strip handle
18208S hammer for glazier, Paris type
18214Y glazing shovel A.S., beech, width 70 mm
18215Z glazing shovel A.S., all-plastic, width 65 mm
18216A mallet, hard rubber, dia. 55 mm
18223J paddle x 25 - Occasional use out of stock
18235W clamp, jaw width 150mm, Nylon jaw and end-piece
18236X clamp, jaw width 150mm, metallic jaw and end-piece.
18310C tape rule, Panoramic, 3m
18315J tape rule, Powerlock steel , 5 m
18331A GLAS-O-METER, glass thickness measuring device
18336G ruler A.S. double side graduated 20cm stainless steel
18340L measuring tube, NEDO MESSFIX, telescopic , 0.37 - 1.00 m
18341M measuring tube, NEDO MESSFIX, telescopic, 0.53 - 2.00m
18343P measuring tube, NEDO MESSFIX, telescopic, 0.86 - 4.00m
18344Q measuring tube, NEDO MESSFIX, telescopic, 1.07 - 5.00m
18345R measuring tube, "NEDO MESSTRONIC", telescopic, 0.70 - 3.00 m on request
18346S measuring tube, "NEDO MESSTRONIC", telescopic, 1.04 - 5.00 m
18347T measuring tube, "NEDO MESSTRONIC", telescopic,1.54 - 8.00 m
18348U angle reader "NEDO WINKELFIX", arm length: 430 mm
18349V angle reader "NEDO WINKELFIX", arm length: 600 mm
18351X angle reader "NEDO WINKELTRONIC", 355°
18360H Merlin Lazer, thickness gauge
18361J Merlin Lazer, toughened glass indicator
18362K Merlin Lazer, Low E coating detector
18363L Merlin Lazer, box for devices
18364M Merlin Lazer, complete set of Merlin Lazer apparatus
18400A suction cup lifter, 2 cups, antishock plastic body
18401B suction cup lifter "Pow'r Grip" Ø 200, metal handle and frame
18402C suction cup lifter Pow'r Grip Ø 200, Lexan handle and frame
18403D suction cup lifter with double swivel heads, antishock plastic body
18404F suction cup lifter Pow'r Grip, SBR dia. 200 mm sole
18405G suction cup lifter, 2 cups, metal sheet, for flat panel out of stock
18407J plunger assembly with low vacuum audio alarm
18408K suction cup lifter Pow'r Grip, pack of 5 felts
18411N suction cup lifter, steel, dia. 100mm, weight: 300g
18412P suction cup lifter with dia. 100 mm cup, repair pouch
18414R vacuum, Hand-held plastic vacuum cup
18417U suction cup lifter "Pow'r Grip" Ø 254, for dished surface
18423A suction cup lifter, 2 cups "FUTURA"
18426D suction cup lifter, 1 cup "FUTURA"
18427F suction cup lifter Pow'r Grip, SBR dia. 254 mm sole
18429H handle for suction cup lifter FUTURA
18431K suction cup APTOLE, 4.00 m long pole out of stock
18432L suction cup, APTOLE, spare cup
18434N suction cup lifter, 1 cup
18435P suction cup lifter, 2 cups, longitudinal handle
18436Q suction cup lifter, 2 cups, transversal handle
18437R suction cup lifter, 3 cups
18438S suction cup lifter, repair pouch for suction cup lifter
18442W suction cup with straight edge holder
18443X suction cup lifter "Pow'r Grip" Ø 204, for altitude
18444Y Vaccum cup "Pow'r Grip" for telephone ant GPS, black
18450F Mounting vacuum cup Ø77
18451G Mounting vacuum cup Ø115
18452H vaccum cup "Pow'r Grip", Ø153
18496F release quadrangle for suction cup "FUTURA"
18497G push-button for suction cup "FUTURA" out of stock
18498H suction cup FUTURA, cup dia. 85 mm
18501L carrier for glass, reinforced leather, length 0.90m
18502M carrier for glass, reinforced leather , length 1.10m
18503N carrier for glass, reinforced leather sling, width 80mm
18504P carrier for glass, reinforced leather, width 40mm, length 1.60m
18505Q reinforced leather glass carrier sling, width 40mm, length 1.40m
18506R sling According to the stock available
18508T apron, leather, for cutter, normal quality
18510V gloves, non-slip latex, without oversleeve
18511W gloves, non-slip latex, "1st choice" without oversleeve
18512X gloves; non-slip latex, with oversleeve, green
18514Z carrier for glass, leather, length 1.08m
18515A cushions for wedging x 5
18517C carrier for glass, reinforced leather with bead, length 0.90m out of stock
18518D carrier for glass, reinforced leather with bead, length 1.10m
18524L Shoes - Size 41 out of stock
18526N Shoes - Size 43 (on request on request
18527P Shoes - Size 44 (on request) on request
18529R protective sleeves for forearm protection, 40 cm
18530S apron for custom moulder, grey PVC
18533V corner protectors, 6 mm x 1000
18536Y apron for cutter, with bib, aramid out of stock
18537Z gloves, KEVLAR® latex gloves
18538A gloves, latex coating on para-aramid support
18539B corner protectors, 4 mm x 100
18540C corner protectors, 6 mm x 100
18541D corner protectors, 7 - 8 mm x 100
18542F gloves, non-slip polyamide, kakhi out of stock
18548M baseball bump cap for protection, blue
18549N glove, polyurethane, size 10
18550P protective sleeves for forearm protection, 45cm
18600T External straight edge stopper 84mm x 54mm
18601U external straight edge stopper 92mm x 117mm
18602V internal straight edge stopper 84 x 84 mm
18603W external straight edge suction holder 200mm x 200mm
18604X angle section holder 190mm x 190mm out of stock
18605Y adjustable straight edge holder 130mm x 120mm
18606Z straight edge suction holder 140mm x 140mm out of stock
18650X adjustable wedges set of 4 wedges adler selection load capacity 100 kg/wedge
18651Y adjustable wedges set of 4 wedges adler selection load capacity 100 kg/wedge
20515Z glue, Neoprene, 880 g can out of stock
20516A felt, synthetic black, width 200 cm According to the stock available
20527N castor right, 35 mm out of stock
20532T bench 90 x 190 cm, open worktop
20533U tarpaulin for cutting table
20539A bench 210 x 330 cm on request
21018W vaccum pump, 400 VAC for lifting beam 210 42X
21019X vaccum pump for universal lifting beams (with battery)
21020Y voltage gauge for 210 44Z and 210 41W on request
21023B suction cup Ø320 on request
21024C valve - insulation valve
21027G paste for spare lifting beams parts
21028H vacuum gauge on request
21030K electronic vacuum controller
21031L kit for vacuum circuit for universal lifting beam
21032M kit for vacuum circuit for workshop lifting beam
21033N indexing button for rotation
21034P indexing button for tilting on request
21035Q suction cup protection on request
21038T lifting beam - wheels for lifting beam (on request) on request
21041W lifting beam - workshop/site multipurpose lifting beam vacuum 2 circuits (on request)
21042X lifting beam, workshop, main-powered, 400 V, three-phase
21043Y lifting beam, workshop, main-powered, 240 V, single-phase on request
21044Z lifting beam - multipurpose lifting beam workshop - site, 24 VDC
21100L Channel Lifter Powr-Grip® on line, 4 pads on request
21101M Vacuum lifter - multi-purpose - Powr-Grip® - 4 pads on request
21102N Vacuum lifter - multi-purpose - Powr-Grip® - 6 pads on request
21105R protection box for Vacuum lifter 4 pads on request
21106S protection box for Vacuum lifter 4 and 6 pads on request
21516N clamp, 1 000 kg - self-clamping
21517P spare lining cork 61,5 x 10 x 1 cm for clamp 215 16N sold by unit
21520S clamp, self-clamping. Lining 3,5 x 3,5 x 0,8 cm for discontinued clamp 215 12J. According to the stock available
21525X clamp, self-clamping - Spare rubber wheel ø 125 mm for discontinued clamp 215 12J According to the stock available
21701P rack, glass storage 5 racks right or left (on request) on request
21702Q additional drawer for glass storage rack 217 01P (on request) on request
21710Y rack 200 X 150 X 120 cm for worshop, steel, fixed (on request)
21711Z rack 300 X 150 X 120 cm for workshop, steel, fixed (on request)
21712A rack 450 X 200 X 130 cm for workshop, steel, fixed (on request)
21713B rack 450 X 250 X 130 cm for workshop , steel, fixed (on request)
21714C rack 450 X 300 X 130 cm for workshop, steel, fixed (on request)
21715D rack 600 X 300 X 130 cm for workshop , steel, fixed (on request)
21720K carriage , 600 kg, for workshop, 2 sided on request
21721L carriage , 800 kg, for workshop, 2 sided
21725Q workshop, 1200 kg, semi-fixed on request
21726R bar for carriage, 2 wheels
21728T rack, 1000 kg, 2-sided (on request)
21729U lifting beam for frame 2172 8T (on request)
21731W rack, glass storage rack with vertical drawers (on request) on request
21732X glass display rack - drawer alone (on request) on request
21737C carriage, 400 kg, for workshop on request
21740G rubber section for carriages
21750S block rake tub (on request) on request
22013C polishing machine with speed variator (on request) on request
22014D polishing machine with water dispenser device (on request) on request
22015F polishing, portable polishing machine with water dispenser device and differential circuit breaker
22020L sander - pneumatic mini-sander PSK-3 kit
22021M sander - pneumatic mini-sander PSK-3 (on request)
22055Y drilling machine, "Glassver" extensible sleeve holder According to the stock available
22057A drilling machine "Glassver", plate with axle for abrasive disks out of stock
22107F dust bag for 221 01Y According to the stock available
22122W graphite lined pad for "Makita"
22123X carbons for "Makita" 221 20V - set of two
22127B sole for "Makita", steel
22128C carbons for "Makita" 221 25Z - set of two
22213V transformer (on request) on request
22222F saw, portable, 220V with disk
22229N battery 7.2V - "Makita"
22232R battery 9.6V - "Makita"
22234T Loader for battery 222 33S
22239Y battery 10.8 V - "Makita" According to the stock available
22242B loader, for battery 7.2V to 9.6V - "Makita"
22406F band machine Reld'Abrasive - gas jack
22407G band machine Reld'Abrasive - single phase switch on request
22409J band machine "Relda® 2000" - additionnal bearing rail
22410K band machine "Reld'Abrasive" - rubber runner ring According to the stock available
22411L band machine "Reld'Abrasive" - small roller
22413N band machine "Reld'Abrasive" - optional bearing rail
22414P band machine "Reld'Abrasive" - dia. 75 mm runner
22415Q band machine "Relda® 2000" - Guiding rails
22417S Band machine "Relda® 2000" - grinding sledge
22419U band machine "Relda® 2000" - sheet protections
22420V band machine "Relda® 2000" - kit for grinding circular sheets
22421W band machine "Relda® 2000" - Vat PVC (on request) on request
22422X band machine - Guide roller for "Relda® 2000"
22423Y band machine "Relda® 2000" - tension wheel
22424Z band machine "Relda 2000" - optional bearing rail
22425A band machine "Relda 2000" - contact wheel
22426B band machine - Mini-Diam V2 PVC sheet protection 200x100 out of stock
22430G band machine "Mini-Diam V2" out of stock
22431H band machine "Mini-Diam V1-V2" - rubber roller
22432J band machine "Mini-Diam V1" - optional bearing rail
22433K band machine "Mini-Diam V1" - electrical switch on request
22434L water nozzle relda for Minidiam V1
22436N water plate relda for Minidiam V1 Please contact us
22437P nozzle part support relda for Minidiam V1 on request
22438Q band machine Mini-Diam V2 bearing rail after sale
22439R band machine Mini-Diam V2 bearing rail additional
22440S band machine "Mini-Diam V3" out of stock
22509S drilling machine - wall support According to the stock available
22511U drilling machine - base for drilling machine 225 10T (on request) on request
22516Z drilling machine - table (on request) on request
22517A drilling machine - swan-neck (on request) on request
25001A compressor - Stäubli female coupling According to the stock available
25004D compressor - Stäubli female coupling for hose According to the stock available
25007H gun TS 300 self filling - Stäubli coupling According to the stock available
25008J compressor - clamp collar for hose According to the stock available
25010L pneumatic caulking gun T25, grey out of stock
25013P coupling for lubrificator According to the stock available
25016S alternative nozzle for pneumatic caulking gun 250 10L
25019V caulking gun manual metal AS
25020W caulking gun manual reinforced AS
25034M gun, manual AS out of stock
25036P caulking gun for 215 mm cartridge AS out of stock
25037Q gun, pneumatic out of stock
caulking gun manual nylon AS
sold out replaced by
25061R gun TS 300 - O-ring for 600 cm3 piston According to the stock available
25062S gun TS 300 - O-ring for piston pin According to the stock available
25063T gun TS 300 - O-ring for handle According to the stock available
25064U gun TS 300 - junction ring for 1200 cm3 cylinder According to the stock available
25065V gun TS 300 - seal for junction ring out of stock
25066W gun TS 300 - 1200 cm3 cylinder out of stock
25069Z gun TS 300 - 600 cm3 cylinder According to the stock available
25071B gun TS 300 - end-fitting for 600 cm3 cylinder According to the stock available
25072C gun TS 300 - nozzle fixed ring According to the stock available
25074F gun TS 300 - piston screw washer According to the stock available
25076H gun TS 300 - piston for 600 cm3 cylinder According to the stock available
25080M gun TS 300 - slide locking screw According to the stock available
25083Q gun TS 300 - handle/core coupling sleeve out of stock
25084R gun TS 300 - exhaust valve spring According to the stock available
25085S gun TS 300 - exhaust valve/handle According to the stock available
25086T gun TS 300 - handle trigger According to the stock available
25087U gun TS 300 - handle pin According to the stock available
25088V gun TS 300 - handle ball According to the stock available
25089W gun TS 300 - handle ball seat According to the stock available
25090X gun TS 300 - ball spring According to the stock available
25093A gun, self-filling - Screw CHC M6 x 16 According to the stock available
25094B Gun, self-filling - Screw CHC M6 x 16 drilled According to the stock available
25095C gun, self-filling - Stainless steel washer ø 30 According to the stock available
26221B tacks for SFNI dia. 1.8 mm, L 25 mm x 2000 out of stock
26232P tacks for LS30, fine upset head, L 30 mm x 5000 According to the stock available
26414M spatula 70 mm for electrical stripping chisel 264 01K According to the stock available
26415N protecting stirrup for 264 30D (on request) on request
26422V 30 mm blade for air-pressure chisel 264 20T According to the stock available
26430D knife for glazier, electric
26434J knife for glazier - blades mushroom , blister pack of 5 out of stock
26435K knife for glazier - sanding blocks, blister pack of 2
26436L Knife for glazier - Adapter
26437M knife for glazier - abrasive blocks, G60 x 50
26438N knife for glazier - abrasive blocks, G80 x 50
26439P knife for glazier - abrasive blocks, G120 x 50
26441R knife for glazier - 63 mm diameter blade
26442S knife for glazier - 80 mm diameter segment blade
26444U knife for glazier - 63 mm diameter diamond blade
26446W knife for glazier - glazier's set
26448Y knife for glazier - sanding finger rasp
26449Z knife for glazier - triangular rasp
35001V U.V. Glue - 6128N, 100 g
35002W U.V. Glue - 6128N, 500 g on request
35003X U.V. Glue - 6128N, 1000 g
35004Y U.V. Glue - 6127N, 100 g
35011G insolator protected by metal carter out of stock
35012H U.V. Glue - 6127N, 1000 g on request
35016M Lamp - U.V. lamp 600 mm, 36 watt
35018P UV lamp - Bulb for UV lamp 350 17N on request
35019Q Lamp - tube for UV lamp 350 16M on request
35023U U.V. glue 7561 - 1000g According to the stock available
35024V U.V. glue 7562 - 1000g on request
35025W U.V. glue VBB1 - 1000g on request
35026X U.V. glue 8H13 - 1000g on request
35027Y lamp, portable - 10mW/cm2 out of stock
35031C U.V. glue - cleaner before gluing. 200 ml aerosol bomb
35032D U.V. glue - cleaner after gluing. 200 ml aerosol bomb
35034G U.V.glue - cup to adapt needles extrusion
35035H U.V. glue - needles blue base for 350 34G on request
35036J U.V. glue - needles blue base for 350 34G on request
35037K U.V. glue - needles yellow base for 350 34G on request
35038L U.V. glue - needles pink base for 350 34G on request
35042Q U.V. glue 6135 - 100g out of stock
35051Z lampe UVA eleco 120mW/cm2
35500N fast bonding 3M translucide acrylic glue for Polycarbonate, Plexiglas and glass, 50 ml out of stock
35501P degreaser before laying acrylique glue 355 00N, 1l
35502Q gun for laying acrylic glue 355 00N out of stock
35503R cone plastic nozzle for laying acrylic glue 355 00N
36040Z glue, CPM 801, 310 ml cartridge out of stock
36041A glue for miror A.S. 310 ml cartridge out of stock
36042B glue A.S. type CPM 801 tube 55ml
36046G glue, CPM 801, 140 ml tube, box of 12 "skin pack" tubes out of stock
36049K glue, CPM 801 in 140 ml tube. Box of 40 tubes out of stock
36050L CPM / PRIM primer, container 5L
36101R INOX CLEANER stainless steel protector cleaner , 400 ml pressurised bottle out of stock
36103T CLEAN X stainless steel protector cleaner, 500 ml spray out of stock
36300H «Invisible Shield» surface protector in 500 ml bottle out of stock
36303L CLEAN X limescale cleaner,750 ml spray out of stock
36304M CLEAN X cleaning cream, 500 ml bottle
36305N "Invisible Shield" concentrated cleaner in 500 ml bottle ) out of stock
36615Z sealing strip, width 60 mm (on request) on request
36616A sealing strip, width 80 mm
36617B sealing strip, width 105 mm x 12 rolls
36618C sealing strip, width 120 mm (on request) on request
36619D sealing strip, width 150 mm x 12 rolls(on request) on request
36621G sealing strip, width 100 mm x 8 rolls According to the stock available
36622H sealing strip width 150 mm x 4 rolls (minimum quantity required) on request
36630R sealing strip, width 150 mm x 1 roll
37004X putty, Perennator, oleoplastic, grey
37201M silicon elastomer mastic, "SANITAIRE", white, BOSTIK out of stock
37214A silicone elastomer mastic, "VITRAGE", translucent, BOSTIK out of stock
37215B silicon elastomer mastic, "VITRAGE", grey, BOSTIK ( minimum quantity required) Minimal quantity required
37216C silicon elastomer mastic, "VITRAGE", black, BOSTIK out of stock
37218F silicon elastomer mastic, invisible, "MS 106", BOSTIK
37224M silicon mastic - smoothing liquid out of stock
37226P silicon elastomer mastic translucide, "MSP CRISTAL"
37228R silicon elastomer mastic, black, "MS 107", BOSTIK out of stock
37229S silicon elastomer mastic, "BATIMENT" translucide, BOSTIK
37230T silicone sanitary sealant transparent
37232V silicone acetic, "AQUARIUM", translucent, OLIVE on request
37235Y silicon elastomer mastic translucide
37236Z silicon elastomer mastic white
37237A silicon elastomer mastic light grey
37238B silicon elastomer mastic beige
37239C silicon elastomer mastic black
37425F strip adler sélection 10x3,3mm L.13m x 22 rolls grey out of stock
37430L strip adler sélection 12x2.5 mm, L.16m x 20 rolls black
37503Q joint bed-cylindrical ø 6 mm - L : 2500 m out of stock
37505S joint bed dia. 15 mm x length 550 m According to the stock available
37514B polyethylene strip 4 x 9 mm According to the stock available
37515C polyethylene strip 3 x 9 mm
37516D polyethylene strip 5 x 9 mm
37517F polyethylene strip 3 x 15 mm
37518G polyethylene strip 5 x 15 mm out of stock
37523M polyethylene strip, 4 x 9 mm
37524N polyethylene strip, 3 x 9 mm
37526Q polyethylene strip, 3 x 15 mm
37527R polyethylene strip, 5 x 15 mm out of stock
37528S polyethylene strip, 3 x 12 mm
37529T polyethylene strip, 4 x 12 mm
37600V seal - Extruded weatherproofing adhesive seal made of E.P.D.M., 3 x 9 mm, 150 m x 6 rolls, black out of stock
37601W seal - Extruded weatherproofing adhesive seal made of E.P.D.M., 3 x 9 mm, 150 m x 6 rolls, brown According to the stock available
37604Z seal - Extruded weatherproofing adhesive seal made of E.P.D.M., 3 x 12 mm, 150 m x 6 rolls, black
37814C wedges, EPT elastomer, width 5 mm, thickness 2 mm (to be sold out) out of stock
38026J wedges, rolled hardwood, length 35 mm, width 10 mm, thickness 1 mm, natural color x 100 According to the stock available
38027K wedges, rolled hardwood, length 35 mm, width 10 mm, thickness 3 mm, orange color x 100 According to the stock available
38028L wedges, rolled hardwood, length 735 mm, width 10 mm, thickness 5 mm, natural color x 100 According to the stock available
38029M wedges, rolled hardwood, length 35 mm, width 10 mm, thickness 1.3.5 mm, 3x20 According to the stock available
38030N wedges, rolled hardwood, length 70 mm, width 5 mm, thickness 1 mm, natural color x 1000
38031P wedges, rolled hardwood, length 70 mm, width 10 mm, thickness 1 mm, natural color x 1000
38032Q wedges, rolled hardwood, length 70 mm, width 15 mm, thickness 1 mm, natural color x 1000
38033R wedges, rolled hardwood, length 70 mm, width 25 mm, thickness 1 mm,natural color x 1000
38034S wedges, rolled hardwood, length 70 mm, width 18 mm, thickness 1 mm, natural color x 1000
38035T wedges, rolled hardwood, length 70 mm, width 5 mm, thickness 2 mm, green color x 1000
38036U wedges, rolled hardwood, length 70 mm, width 10 mm, thickness 2 mm, green color x 1000
38037V wedges, rolled hardwood, length 70 mm, width 15 mm, thickness 2 mm, green color x 1000
38038W wedges, rolled hardwood, length 70 mm, width 25 mm, thickness 2 mm, green color x 1000
38039X wedges, rolled hardwood, length 70 mm, width 18 mm, thickness 2 mm, green color x 1000
38040Y wedges, rolled hardwood, length 70 mm, width 5 mm, thickness 3 mm, orange color x 1000
38041Z wedges, rolled hardwood, length 70 mm, width 10 mm, thickness 3 mm, orange color x 1000
38042A wedges, rolled hardwood, length 70 mm, width 15 mm, thickness 3 mm, orange color x 1000
38043B wedges, rolled hardwood, length 70 mm, width 25 mm, thickness 3 mm, orange color x 1000
38044C wedges, rolled hardwood, length 70 mm, width 18 mm, thickness 3 mm, orange color x 1000
38045D wedges, rolled hardwood, length 70 mm, width 5 mm, thickness 5 mm, natural color x 1000
38046F wedges, rolled hardwood, length 70 mm, width 10 mm, thickness 5 mm, natural color x 1000
38047G wedges, rolled hardwood, length 70 mm, width 15 mm, thickness 5 mm, natural color x 1000
38048H wedges, rolled hardwood, length 70 mm, width 25 mm, thickness 5 mm, natural color x 1000
38049J wedges, rolled hardwood, length 70 mm, width 18 mm, thickness 5 mm, natural color x 1000
38050K wedges, rolled hardwood, length 70 mm, width 5 mm, thickness 4 mm, brown color x 1000
38051L wedges, rolled hardwood, length 70 mm, width 10 mm, thickness 4 mm, brown color x 1000
38052M wedges, rolled hardwood, length 70 mm, width 15 mm, thickness 4 mm, brown color x 1000
38053N wedges, rolled hardwood, length 70 mm, width 18 mm, thickness 4 mm, brown color x 1000
38054P wedges, rolled hardwood, length 70 mm, width 25 mm, thickness 4 mm, brown color x 1000
38056R plastic wedges thickness 1 mm 40x30 x 1000 white
38057S plastic wedges thickness 2 mm 40x30 x 1000 blue
38058T plastic wedges thickness 3 mm 40x30 x 1000 red
38059U plastic wedges thickness 5 mm 40x30 x 1000 green
39001T adhesive foam V 1300, 2-sided, polyurethan, 61 m x 0,8 mm
39002U adhesive foam V 1300, 2-sided, 61 m x 1,6 mm
39003V adhesive foam V 2800, polyurethan, 100 m x 0,8 mm
39004W adhesive foam V 2800 polyurethan, 61 m x 1,6 mm
39005X adhesive foam TRB 2292, adhesion activator (on request) on request
39006Y adhesive foam, 3 M Scotch Mount, 10 m X 0,8 mm
39007Z adhesive foam V 1300, 2-sided polyurethan, 10 m x 0,8 mm
39009B adhesive foam V 2800, 2-sided polyurethan, 10 m x 0,8 mm
39010C adhesive foam V2800, 2-sided polyurethan, 10m x 1,6
39011D adhesive foam, 4032 Scotch Mount, 66 m X 0,8 mm
39012F adhesive foam, 4026 Scotch Mount double-sided, 10 m X 1,6 mm
39013G 2 sised adhesive foam 4026, Scotch Mount, 33 m X 1,6 mm
39014H 3 M adhesive tape Scotch VHB 4910, 33 m X 1 mm
39016K adhesive foam, double-sided, 10 m X 1 mm
39018M adhesive foam, double-sided, 10 m X 1,6 mm out of stock
39019N adhesive foam, double-sided, 33 m x 1,6 mm
39020P acrylic adhesive tape, 16,5 m x 5 mm x thick. 2mm
39030Z adhesive foam, crosslinked polyethylene, closed cell, 10 m x 0.8 mm According to the stock available
39034D adhesive foam, crosslinked polyethylene, closed cell, 10 m x 1.5 mm out of stock
39037H adhesive foam 3M, crosslinked polyethylene, closed cell, 66 m x 0.8 mm According to the stock available
39042N 3M VHB 4918F acrylic adhesive tape, 16,5 m x 6 mm x thick. 2mm
39090Q 3M Tape Primer 94, 950 ml out of stock
39091R metal primer 3M P592, 250 ml
43002S fan ventilator, 160 mm dia., without closure disk
43003T fan ventilator, 160 mm dia., with grid out of stock
43006W fan ventilator, 160 mm dia., adjustable closure disk
43010A fan ventilator, 200 mm dia., without closure disk out of stock
43011B fan ventilator, 200 mm dia., with grid
43012C fan ventilator, 200 mm dia., adjustable closure disk
43014F fan ventilator, 240 mm dia., adjustable closure disk
45010Z Demister BUEE-STOP, 50 cm x 36, 220V (minimum quantity of 20 required) out of stock
45011A demister BUEE-STOP film, 58 cm x 41, 220 V, 65 W (minimum quantity of 20 required) out of stock
45013C demister BUEE-STOP, 85 cm x 58, 220 V, 113 W (minimum quantity of 20 required) out of stock
45014D demister BUEE-STOP, 125 cm x 28, 220 V, 80 W (minimum quantity of 20 required) out of stock
45015F demister BUEE-STOP, 138 cm x 40, 220 V, 127 W (minimum quantity of 20 required) out of stock
45016G demister BUEE-STOP, 155 cm x 55, 220 V, 196 W (minimum quantity of 20 required) out of stock
45017H Anti-static disc According to the stock available
45060D Demister A.S. 50 x 36 cm 230V out of stock
45061F Demister A.S. 58 x 41cm 230V out of stock
45062G Demister A.S. 68 x 58 cm 230V out of stock
45063H Demister A.S. 85 x 58 cm 230V out of stock
45064J Demister A.S. 125 x 28 cm 230V According to the stock available
45065K Demister A.S. 138 x 40 cm 230V out of stock
45066L Demister A.S. 155 x 55 cm 230V out of stock
45067M Demister A.S. 40 x 50 cm 230V
45068N Demister A.S. 55 x 80 cm 230V
45069P Demister A.S. 69 x 77.5 cm 230V
45070Q demister A.S. 60 x 110 cm 230V
46001B shower screen capsi niche 1 door WG anodised aluminium BSS effect
46002C shower screen capsi niche 1 door WG 1fixed anodised aluminium BSS effect Please contact us
46003D shower screen capsi niche 1 door WG 1 door WG anodised aluminium BSS effect
46004F shower screen capsi niche 2 fixed WG 1 door GG180 anodised aluminium BSS effect Please contact us
46005G shower screen capsi niche 1 fixed WG 1 door GG180 anodised aluminium BSS effect Please contact us
46006H shower screen capsi niche 1 fixed 2GG 1 fixed anodised aluminium BSS effect Please contact us
46007J shower screen capsi niche 1 fixed WG 1 door GG180 90deg stiffener anodised aluminium BSS effect Please contact us
46008K shower screen capsi niche 2fixed 2doors GG180 parallel stiffener anodised aluminium BSS effect
46009L shower screen capsi niche 1 fixed WG 1 door GG180 45deg stiffener anodised aluminium BSS effect Please contact us
46010M shower screen capsi niche 2 fixed WG 1 door GG180 2 90deg stiffeners anodised aluminium BSS effect Please contact us
46011N shower screen capsi angle 1 door WG 1 fixed 1 lateral parallel stiffener anodised aluminium BSS effect
46012P shower screen capsi niche 2 fixed WG 1 door GG180 45deg stiffeners anodised aluminium BSS effect Please contact us
46013Q shower screen capsi niche 2 fixed WG 1 door GG180 stiffener 2pts anodised aluminium BSS effect Please contact us
46014R shower screen capsi niche 1 door WG 1fixed 90deg stiffener anodised aluminium BSS effect Please contact us
46015S shower screen capsi niche 1fixed 1door GG parallel stiffener anodised aluminium BSS effect Please contact us
46016T shower screen capsi niche 1 door WG 1fixed round slanted stiffener anodised aluminium BSS effect
46017U shower screen capsi niche 1 door WG 1fixed connector anodised aluminium BSS effect Please contact us
46018V shower screen capsi niche 1 door WG 1fixed stiffener1pt anodised aluminium BSS effect
46019W shower screen capsi angle 1 door WG 1 lateral parallel stiffener anodised aluminium BSS effect
46020X shower screen capsi angle 1 door WG 1 fixed 1 lateral anodised aluminium BSS effect Please contact us
46021Y shower screen capsi angle 1 door WG 1door GG90 1 lateral parallel stiffener anodised aluminium BSS effect
46022Z shower screen capsi angle 1 fixed 1 door GG 1 lateral stiffener 1pt anodised aluminium BSS effect on request
46023A shower screen capsi angle 1 fixed 1 GG90 1 lateral parallel stiffener anodised aluminium BSS effect Please contact us
46024B shower screen capsi angle 1 door WG 1 fixed 1 lateral orientable stiffener anodised aluminium BSS effect Please contact us
46025C shower screen capsi angle 1 fixed 1 GG180 1 lateral parallel stiffener anodised aluminium BSS effect Please contact us
46026D shower screen capsi angle 1fixed 1GG180 1 fixed 1lateral anodised aluminium BSS effect Please contact us
46027F shower screen capsi angle 1fixed 1GG180 1 fixed 1lateral stiffener 2pts anodised aluminium BSS effect Please contact us
46028G shower screen capsi wall 1GG90 1fixed 2laterals parallel stiffener anodised aluminium BSS effect Please contact us
46029H shower screen capsi wall 2fixed 1GG180 2laterals anodised aluminium BSS effect Please contact us
46030J shower screen capsi wall 2fixed 1GG180 2laterals stiffener 2pts anodised aluminium BSS effect Please contact us
46031K shower screen capsi wall 1GG90 2 fixed laterals parallel stiffener anodised aluminium BSS effect Please contact us
46032L shower screen capsi wall 1GG180 2 fixed parallel stiffener anodised aluminium BSS effect
46033M shower screen capsi wall 2GG90 2 fixed laterals parallel stiffener anodised aluminium BSS effect Please contact us
46034N shower screen capsi wall 1GG90 1fixed 2laterals parallel stiffener 2pts anodised aluminium BSS effect Please contact us
46090Y flat section profil capsi wall anodised aluminium chromed on request
46091Z flat section profil capsi wall anodised aluminium BSS effect Please contact us
46092A make-up section profil capsi wall anodised aluminium chromed on request
46093B make-up section profil capsi wall anodised aluminium BSS effect on request
46095D added value Timeless® on request
46096F added value capsi hinge
46097G added value capsi hinge chromed option
47000N shower screen adslide alu niche 1 door anodised aluminium BSS effect Please contact us
47001P shower screen adslide alu angle 1 door anodised aluminium BSS effect
47002Q shower screen adslide alu angle 2 doors anodised aluminium BSS effect Please contact us
47003R shower screen adslide alu niche 2 doors anodised aluminium BSS effect
47050S shower screen adslide alu niche 1 door anodised aluminium chromed Please contact us
47051T shower screen adslide alu angle 1 door anodised aluminium chromed Please contact us
47052U shower screen adslide alu angle 2 doors anodised aluminium chromed Please contact us
47053V shower screen adslide alu niche 2 doors anodised aluminium chromed Please contact us
47095R added value Timeless® Please contact us
47096S added value adslide angle 1 lateral panel 1000 Please contact us
47801J shower screen WI niche 1 fixed square stiffener anodised aluminium BSS effect
47802K shower screen WI angle 2 fixed square stiffener anodised aluminium BSS effect Please contact us
47803L shower screen WI angle 2 fixed parallel stiffener anodised aluminium BSS effect Please contact us
47804M shower screen WI angle 3 fixed parallel stiffener anodised aluminium BSS effect Please contact us
47805N shower screen WI wall 3 fixed parallel stiffener anodised aluminium BSS effect Please contact us
47806P shower screen WI wall 4 fixed parallel stiffener anodised aluminium BSS effect Please contact us
47807Q shower screen WI wall 1 fixed square stiffener anodised aluminium BSS effect Please contact us
47851N shower screen WI niche 1 fixed square stiffener anodised aluminium PSS effect
47852P shower screen WI angle 2 fixed square stiffener anodised aluminium PSS effect
47853Q shower screen WI angle 2 fixed parallel stiffener anodised aluminium PSS effect Please contact us
47854R shower screen WI angle 3 fixed parallel stiffener anodised aluminium PSS effect Please contact us
47855S shower screen WI wall 3 fixed parallel stiffener anodised aluminium PSS effect Please contact us
47856T shower screen WI wall 4 fixed parallel stiffener anodised aluminium PSS effect Please contact us
47857U shower screen WI wall 1 fixed square stiffener anodised aluminium PSS effect Please contact us
47894K added value ADLER WI deLarge 1000 Please contact us
47895L added value Timeless® Please contact us
50003B clips-hinges, double with counterplate - double overlap - chromium-plated brass - opening 10 mm - for glass 130 x 45 out of stock
50008H clips-hinges, double with counterplate - single overlap - chromium-plated brass - opening 10 mm - for glass 130 x 45 out of stock
50011L clips-hinges double with lugs - opening 10 mm - chromium-plated brass - for glass 60 x 40 out of stock
50013N clips-hinges, double with counterplate - double overlap - opening 10 mm - chromium-plated brass - for glass 60 x 40 out of stock
50021W clips-hinges double with lugs - opening 10 mm - chromium-plated brass - for glass 40 x 30 According to the stock available
50023Y clips-hinges, double with counterplate - double overlap - opening 10 mm - chromium-plated brass - for glass 40 x 30 out of stock
50031H clips-hinges, double - opening 10 mm - chromium-plated brass - for glass 130 x 45 - minimum 5 pieces out of stock
50035M clips-hinges A.S., single with wall plate, opening 10 mm - chromium-plated brass, for glass 130 x 45 out of stock
50037P clips-hinges with wall plate - opening 10 mm
50040S clips-hinges eco range wall plate op. 10 mm for glass 130 x 45 brushed chromium-plated brass
50041T clips-hinges, double - opening 10 mm - chromium-plated brass - for glass 60 x 40
50042U clips-hinges, double - opening 10 mm - gilded brass - for glass 60 x 40 According to the stock available
50044W clips-hinges, double - opening 10 mm - chromium-plated brass - for glass 60 x 40
50045X clips-hinges, double - opening 10 mm - gilded brass - for glass 60 x 40 out of stock
50051D clips-hinges, single with wall plate, opening 10 mm - chromium-plated brass, for glass 130 x 45
50052F clips-hinges, single with wall plate, opening 10 mm - polished brass, for glass 130 x 45 out of stock
50053G clips-hinges, single with wall plate, opening 10 mm - chromium-plated brass, for glass 60 x 40
50055J clips-hinges, single with wall plate, opening 10 mm - satin chromed brass, for glass 130 x 45 out of stock
50056K clips-hinges, single with wall plate, opening 10 mm - matt chromium-plated brass, for glass 60 x 40 out of stock
50057L clips-hinges, single with counterplate single overlap, opening 10 mm, chrome, for glass 60 x 40 According to the stock available
50058M clips-hinges, single counterplate, single overlap, opening 10 mm, polished, for glass 60 x 40
50059N clips-hinges, single with wall plate, opening 10 mm - chromium plated brass, for glass 40 x 30 out of stock
50060P clips-hinges, single with wall plate, opening 10 mm - polished brass, for glass 40 x 30 According to the stock available
50061Q clips-hinges, single with wall plate, opening 7 mm - Zamak, chrome, for glass 40 x 30 out of stock
50062R clips-hinges, single with wall plate, opening 10 mm - matt chromium plated brass, for glass 40 x 30 out of stock
50063S clips-hinges, single with counterplate single overlap, opening 10 mm, satin chromed mat, for glass 60 x 40
50071A clips-hinges, double - opening 10 mm - mat chromium-plated brass - for glass 60 x 40
50096C screws with tip / brass plated x 100
50098F screws with tip / chrome x 100
50101J hinge Adline 40x40 to be glued stainless steel According to the stock available
50102K hinge Adline 40x40 to be glued stainless steel polished out of stock
50108R hinge VENUS to be glued, Polished stainless steel According to the stock available
50206X hinges, non-hingeable, 25 x 30 mm, with wall plate, opening 10 mm, for glass 0.70 x 0.50, chromium-plated brass Minimal quantity required
50208Z hinges, non-hingeable hinges, 25 x 30 mm, with wall plate , opening 10 mm, for glass 0.70 x 0.50, gilded brass According to the stock available
50211C hinges, VENUS design, double, chromed brass
50212D Clamp ADM/H, 57 x 30 mm, brushed stainless steel finish
50213F hinges, VENUS design, double, Matt chromed brass
50215H hinges, VENUS design, double, gilded brass out of stock
50216J Glass/glass angle hinge, with ADM/H threaded back plate, 57 x 30 mm, stainless brushed steel finish
50217K hinges, double, for two 180° volumes, 9 mm opening, for mirror glass 1.20 x 0.60, brass
50219M hinges, double, for two 180° volumes, 9 mm opening, for mirror glass 1.20 x 0.60, polished brass
50220N hinge, brass 60 x 30 mm, with wall plate for RH brace, chromed, opening 9 mm, for glass 1.20 x 0.50 out of stock
50221P hinges, double, for two 180° volumes, 9 mm opening, for mirror glass 1.20 x 0.60, brass
50223R hinges, double, for two 180° volumes, 9 mm opening, for mirror glass 1.20 x 0.60, gilded brass
50224S hinges with wall plate for LH brace, 60 x 30 mm, opening 9 mm, for glass 1.20 x 0.50, chromed brass
50225T wrench for counterplate hinges (minimum quantity required)
50226U hinges with wall plate for LH brace, 60 x 30 mm, opening 9 mm , for glass 1.20 x 0.50, gilded brass
50227V hinges, double, 40 x 40 mm, satin chromed brass
50228W hinges, double, 40 x 40 mm for 2 (1.20 x 1.60) 90° or 180° volumes, from 6 to 8 mm, chromium plated brass
50229X hinges, double, for 2 (1.20 x 1.60) 90° or 180° volumes, from 6 to 8 mm, gilded brass,
50233B hinges, VENUS design, with wall plate, black polished nickel
50236F hinges, VENUS design, with wall plate, chromed brass DELETED out of stock
50237G hinges, VENUS design, with wall plate, satin chromed brass According to the stock available
50238H hinges, VENUS design, with wall plate, gilded brass out of stock
50239J hinges with wall plate, 40 x 40 mm, for glass 6 to 8 mm, 1.20 x 0.60, chromed brass
50240K hinges with wall plate, 40 x 40 mm, for glass 6 to 8 mm, 1.20 x 0.60, gilded brass
50241L hinges with wall plate, 40 x 40 mm, for glass 6 to 8 mm, 1.20 x 0.60, satin chromed brass
50242M hinges, non-hingeable, 25 x 30 mm, with wall plate, opening 10 mm, for glass 0.70 m x 0.50 m, satin chrome brass
50243N Facade hinge with wall-mount plate and ADM/H threaded back plate, 57 x 30 mm, brushed stainless steel finish
50245Q hinges, VENUS design, with wall plate, chromed brass
50246R hinges, VENUS design, with wall plate, brushed nickel
50248T hinges, VENUS design, double, brass, polished nickel 6 to 10mm - glass/glass
50250V hinges Adler® square shape with wall plate 40 x 40, chrome brass
50251W hinges Adler® square shape with wall plate 40 x 40, mat chrome brass
50255A hinges Adler® square shape glass/glass 40 x 40, chrome brass
50256B hinges Adler® square shape glass/glass 40 x 40, mat chrome brass
50259F hinges Adler® square shape glass/glass with hinges inside, 40 x 40, 90°, chrome brass out of stock
50260G hinges Adler® square shape glass/glass with hinges inside, 40 x 40, 90°, matt chrome brass
50300Z clip capsi wall/glass 40x40 brass chrome
50301A clip capsi wall/glass 40x40 brushed nickel
50302B clip capsi wall/glass 40x40 gilded brass
50303C Prestige kit for CAPSI wall/glass clamp, brass chrome x3 According to the stock available
50304D Prestige kit for CAPSI wall/glass clamp, brushed nickel According to the stock available
50305F Prestige kit for CAPSI wall/glass clamp, gilded brass According to the stock available
50306G clip reversi wall/glass 40x40 gilded brass
50308J capsi gl/gl.90° brushed nickel out of stock
50309K clip capsi gl/gl.90 chrome out of stock
50311M clip capsi prestige gl/gl.90 chromed
50312N clip capsinox wall/gl polished stainless steel
50313P clip capsinox wall/glass brushed stainless steel
50314Q clip capsi prestige gl/gl.90 brushed nickel
50315R clip capsi prestige gl/gl.90 gilded
50317T clip reversi 57 x 57 to be screwed M5 th. 8 aluminium polished aluminium bronze
50320W clip, aluminium, with LH heel - opening 12 mm - natural anodised
50321X clip, aluminium, with RH heel - opening 12 mm - natural anodised
50325B clip adslide po.8 20x20 aluminium chrome
50326C clip adslide op.8 20x20 aluminium anosised brushed steel According to the stock available
50327D tightening clip adslide op.8 20x20 eccentric cam aluminium chrome
50328F tightening clip Adslide 20 x 20 x 14, aluminium brushed inox
50330H reversi 57 x 57 to be screwed M5 th.8 brass chrome
50331J clip reversi 57 x 57 to be screwed M5 th.8 brushed nickel
50332K clip reversi 57x57 to be screwed M5 th.8 gilded
50333L Clip reversi 57 x 57 to be fixed dia .5,2 chrome brass
50334M clip reversi 57x57 to be fixed dia.5,2 brushed nickel brass
50335N clip reversi 57x57 to be fixed dia.5,2 gilded brass
50336P square clip with counterplate - raw aluminium - opening 8mm and 8.8mm
50337Q square clip with counterplate - natural anodised aluminium - opening 8mm and 8.8mm
50338R square clip with counterplate - brushed anodised aluminium - opening 8mm and 8.8mm
50339S square clip with counterplate - polished anodised aluminium - opening 8mm and 8.8mm
50340T square clip with counterplate - raw aluminium - opening 10mm and 10.8mm
50341U square clip with counterplate - natural anodised aluminium - opening 10mm and 10.8mm
50342V square clip with counterplate - brushed anodised aluminium - opening 10mm and 10.8mm
50343W square clip with counterplate - polished anodised aluminium - opening 10mm and 10.8mm
50344X square clip with counterplate - raw aluminium - opening 12mm and 12.8mm
50345Y square clip with counterplate - natural anodised aluminium - opening 12mm and 12.8mm
50346Z square clip with counterplate - brushed anodised aluminium - opening 12mm and 12.8mm
50347A square clip with counterplate - polished anodised aluminium - opening 12mm and 12.8mm
50348B square heel clip with counterplate - raw aluminium - opening 8mm and 8.8mm
50349C square heel clip with counterplate - natural anodised aluminium - opening 8mm and 8.8mm
50350D square heel clip with counterplate - brushed anodised aluminium - opening 8mm and 8.8mm
50351F square heel clip with counterplate - polished anodised aluminium - opening 8mm and 8.8mm
50352G square heel clip with counterplate - raw aluminium - opening 10mm and 10.8mm
50353H square heel clip with counterplate - natural anodised aluminium - opening 10mm and 10.8mm
50354J square heel clip with counterplate - brushed anodised aluminium - opening 10mm and 10.8mm
50355K square heel clip with counterplate - polished anodised aluminium - opening 10mm and 10.8mm
50356L square heel clip with counterplate - raw aluminium - opening 12mm and 12.8mm
50357M square heel clip with counterplate - natural anodised aluminium - opening 12mm and 12.8mm
50358N square heel clip with counterplate - brushed anodised aluminium - opening 12mm and 12.8mm
50359P square heel clip with counterplate - polished anodised aluminium - opening 12mm and 12.8mm
50369Z clip ellipse not fixe op.8 25x30 aluminium BSS Please contact us
50370A clip ellipse not fixed op.8 25x30 aluminium PSS Please contact us
50374F clip ellipse fixe op.8 25x30 aluminium PSS
50375G clip ellipse fixe op.8 25x30 aluminium BSS
50385S square clip with counterplate - raw aluminium - custom opening up to 24mm
50386T square clip with counterplate - natural anodised aluminium - custom opening up to 24mm
50387U square clip with counterplate - brushed anodised aluminium - custom opening up to 24mm
50388V square clip with counterplate - polished anodised aluminium - custom opening up to 24mm Please contact us
50389W square heel clip with counterplate - raw aluminium - custom opening up to 24mm
50390X square heel clip with counterplate - natural anodised aluminium - custom opening up to 24mm
50391Y square heel clip with counterplate - brushed anodised aluminium - custom opening up to 24mm
50392Z square heel clip with counterplate - polished anodised aluminium - custom opening up to 24mm Please contact us
50401K clip with counterplate venus wall/glass chromed brass, straight
50402L clipwith counterplate - opening 12 mm - chromium-plated brass
50403M clip with counterplate - natural anodised aluminium - opening 12 mm
50404N clipwith counterplate, gilded brass - opening 12 mm
50405P clip with counterplate - chromium plated brass opening 16 mm
50406Q clip, brass with steel - opening 12 mm - chromium plated brass
50407R clip with counterplate, mat chrome, 50 x 40 mm
50408S clip, brass, with heel - opening 12 mm - Gilded brass
50409T clip, with LH heel, mat chrome, 50 x 40 mm
50410U clip with counterplate - gilded brass - opening 16 mm According to the stock available
50411V plate stand dia. 50, h 90 mm, natural anodised aluminium
50413X clip with RH heel, mat chrome, 50 x 40 mm
50415Z clips on plate stand - brass - set for mounting ( minimum quantity required)
50416A clips on plate stand - matt chrome - set for mounting
50418C clipwith counterplate and heel, RH - opening 12 mm - chromed brass
50419D clipwith counterplate and heel, LH - chromed brass - opening 12 mm
50420F clip with counterplate, wall/glass matt chromed brass
50421G clip with counterplate, chromed brass with counterplate - opening 10 mm
50423J plate stand side 50, h 137 mm, chromium-plated brass out of stock
50424K clip with counterplate venus wall/glass gilded brass Minimal quantity required
50425L plate stand side 50, h 340 mm, chromium-plated brass out of stock
50426 doorknob "Ile de Bréhat" - Single - Fuchsia bubble tube - Base matt nickel. Please contact us
50427N clip with counterplate venus wall/glass brass white
50428P clip with counterplate venus gl/gl.90 brass chromed
50431S clip, aluminium, with counterplate - opening 12 mm - white
50432T clip, aluminium, with counterplate - opening 16 mm - white out of stock
50433U clip, aluminium, with RH heel - opening 12 mm - white ( minimum quantity required) Minimal quantity required
50434V clip, aluminium, with LH heel - opening 12 mm - white ( minimum quantity required) Minimal quantity required
50435W clip with counterplate, gilded brass - 2 entries - 90° venus gl/gl.90
50436X clip with counterplate venus gl/gl.90 brass white
50437Y clip with counterplate venus gl/gl.180 chromed brass
50438Z clip with counterplate venus gl/gl.180 matt chromed brass
50439A clip with counterplate venus gl/gl.180 gilded brass
50440B clip with counterplate venus gl/gl.180 white brass
50441C clip with counterplate venus gl/gl.135 Chromed brass
50442D clip with counterplate venus gl/gl.135
50443F clip with counterplate venus gl/gl.135 gilded brass
50444G clip with counterplate venus gl/gl.135 white brass
50446J clip with counterplate - Chromium-plated brass - Opening 10 mm - Standard range. According to the stock available
50449M clip Venus wall/glass right-angle chromed brass
50450N clip - Clamp Venus venus wall/glass right-angle mat chromed brass
50451P clip with counterplate, mat velour, 50 x 40 mm
50453R clip reversi 57 x 57 to be screwed M5 th. 8 aluminium brushed and varnished
50454S clip reversi wall/glass 40x40 brushed and varnished
50474P clip venus wall/gl right-anle gilded brass
50475Q clip venus wall/glass right-angle white brass
50476R clip for partition - flat heel - 55 x 60 mm - polished stainless steel
50477S clip for partition - for tube - 55 x 60 mm - polished stainless steel According to the stock available
50478T clip for partition AS flat heel 40 x 50mm polished stainless steel
50479U clip for partition - for tube - 40 x 50 mm - polished stainless steel
50480V clip for partition with counterplate - Flat heel - 55 x 55 mm - Zamack - Chromed
50481W clip for partition with counterplate - flat heel - 55 x 55 mm - mat chromed zamak
50482X clip for partition with counterplate - Flat heel - 55 x 55 mm - Zamack - gold According to the stock available
50483Y clip for partition with counterplate - for tube - 55 x 60 mm - Chromed zamak out of stock
50484Z clip for partition with counterplate - for tube - 55 x 60 mm - zamak - matt chromed
50486B clip for partition with counterplate - flat heel - 52 x 40 mm - zamak - chromed
50487C clip for partition with counterplate - flat heel - 52 x 40 mm - zamak - matt chromed
50488D clip for partition with counterplate - flat heel - 52 x 40 mm - zamak - gold According to the stock available
50489F clip for partition with counterplate, for tube, 55 x 40 mm, chromed zamak on request
50490G clip for partition with counterplate, for tube, 55 x 40 mm, matt chromed zamak
50492J clip for partition with counterplate - flat heel - 52 x 40 mm - white epoxy
50494L pin for securing, large size partition
50495M clip for partition - flat heel - 55 x 60 mm - brushed stainless steel According to the stock available
50496N clip for partition - flat heel - 40 x 50 mm - brushed stainless steel
50498Q clip for partition flat heel 58 x 55 mm brushed stainless steel
50500S clip with counterplate A.S. wall/glass 50x50 chromed brass Minimal quantity required
50501T clip with counterplate A.S. wall/glass 50x50 matt chromed brass Minimal quantity required
50502U clip with counterplate A.S. wall/gl.90 square 50 x 50 chrome brass
50503V clip with counterplate A.S. wall/gl.90 square 50 x 50 mat chrome brass
50504W clip with counterplate A.S. gl/gl.90 50x50 chrome brass out of stock
50505X clip with counterplate A.S. gl/gl.90 50x50 mat chrome brass out of stock
50506Y clip glass/glass A.S. gl/gl.180 50x50 chrome brass
50507Z clip with counterplate A.S. gl/gl.180 50x50 mat chrome brass
50508A clip with counterplate A.S. gl/gl 50X50 3 entries brass
50509B clip with counterplate A.S. gl/gl 50x50 3 entries mat chrome brass
50510C clips for partition with counterplate x 200 pc - flat heel - 52 x 40 mm - zamak - matt chromed
50511D clips for partition with counterplate x 10 pcs - flat heel - 52 x 40 mm - zamak - matt chromed
50512F clips for partition with counterplate x 10 pcs - flat heel - 52 x 40 mm - zamak - chromed
50513G clips for partition with counterplate x 14 pcs - Flat heel - 55 x 55 mm - Zamack - Chromed
50514H clips for partition with counterplate x 14 pcs - flat heel - 55 x 55 mm - mat chromed zamak
50516K clip with counterplate adler sélection wall/gl right/left heel 55x35 bushed stainless steel 316L
50517L clip for partition AS flat heel 40 x 50mm x2 polished stainless steel
50521Q clip for partition - flat heel - 32 x 52 mm - brushed stainless steel out of stock
50523R clip minima 57x57 to be fixed brass chrome
50524S clip minima 57x57 to be fixed brushed nickel brass
50525T kit adaptation minima clamp gl/gl.90 x2 brass chrome
50526U kit adaptation minima clamp gl/gl.90 x2 brushed nickel brass
50528W clip Reversi wall/glass 40x40 metallic
50529X clip reversi 57x57 to be fixed dia.5,2 copper nickel brass
50546R clip minima 57x57 to be fixed black brass
50800T tabs, brass, 2 clip-on tabs - 2 immovable tabs, chrome, opening 8 mm, 50 sets
50801U tabs, brass, 2 clip-on tabs - 2 immovable tabs, chrome, opening 8 mm
50802V tabs, brass, 2 clip-on tabs - 2 immovable tabs, polished, opening 8 mm
50803W tabs, brass, 100 clip-on units, polished According to the stock available
50807A tabs, brass, 100 clip-on units, chrome, opening 8 mm
50808B tabs, brass, drawn out section, opening 8 mm, chrome
50809C tabs, brass, drawn out section, opening 8 mm, polished According to the stock available
50810D tabs, folded brass, chromed According to the stock available
50811F tabs, polished brass According to the stock available
50812G tabs, brass, 100 fixed units, chrome
50816L tabs, brass, opening 10 mm, width 30 mm, chrome
50818N tabs, brass, opening 10 mm, width 60 mm, chrome out of stock
50819P tabs, green, for glass 4 to 6 mm thick out of stock
50820Q tabs, blue, for glass 4 to 6 mm thick out of stock
50822S tabs, red, for glass 4 to 6 mm thick According to the stock available
50823T tabs, yellow, for glass 4 to 6 mm thick out of stock
50826W tabs, available in bulk, red, for glass 4 to 6 mm thick According to the stock available
50827X tabs, available in bulk, yellow, for glass 4 to 6 mm thick According to the stock available
50828Y tabs, available in bulk, green, for glass 4 to 6 mm thick According to the stock available
50830A tabs, brass, drawn out section, opening 8 mm, chrome 50 sets
50831B tabs, brass, opening 12 mm, width 16 mm, chrome
50836H tabs dia. 20 mm thickness 5 to 8 mm According to the stock available
50839L tabs, chromium-plated brass, without cork, opening 6.3 mm x 25
50844R tabs, brass, drawn out section, opening 8 mm, 100 removable units, chrome
50846T tabs, brass, drawn out section, opening 8 mm, 100 removable units, polished According to the stock available
50851Y tabs, chromium-plated brass,with cork, opening 6.3 mm x 25
50853A tabs, brass, drawn out section, opening 6.4 mm, nickelled out of stock
50856D tabs, brass, drawn out section, opening 6.4 mm, 100 fixed units, nickelled out of stock
50857F tabs, brass, drawn out section, opening 6.4 mm, 100 fixed units, polished According to the stock available
50860J tabs, brass, drawn out section, opening 6.4 mm, 100 removable units, nickelled
50861K tabs, brass, for bevels, chrome out of stock
50863M tabs, brass, drawn out section, opening 6.4 mm, 100 removable units, polished
50865P tabs, brass, round head, dia. 18 mm, for glass 4 to 8 mm thick, chrome
50866Q tabs, beaded, chrome, for glass 5 to 8 mm thick x 100 According to the stock available
50868S tabs, beaded, available in bulk, gold, for glass 5 to 8 mm thick x 100 out of stock
50869T tabs, brass, dia. 18 mm, for glass 4 to 8 mm thick, chrome
50872W tabs, round head, dia. 20 mm, for glass 5 to 8 mm thick, chrome
50874Y tabs, brass, round head, dia. 20 mm, for glass 9 to 12 mm thick, chrome out of stock
50875Z tabs available in bulk dia. 20 m for glass 5 to 8 mm thick chrome
50877B tabs, brass, dia. 20 mm, for glass 5 to 8 mm thick, polished x 100 According to the stock available
50879D tabs, brass, available in bulk, dia. 18 mm, plastic base, for glass 4 to 8 mm thick, chrome According to the stock available
50880F tabs, burglar-proof, chromium-plated brass, for glass 4 to 7 mm thick minimum quantity of 50 p out of stock
50881G wrench for 508 80F out of stock
50883J tabs, brass, available in bulk, dia. 20 mm, plastic base, for glass 5 to 8 mm thick, chrome According to the stock available
50894V tabs, chromium-plated brass, 2 spring-loaded, without cork, opening 6.3 mm
50895W tabs, chromium-plated brass, 2 spring-loaded, with cork, opening 6.3 mm
50897Y tabs, combined and shelf support, chromium-plated brass, opening 9 mm out of stock
51206K hanging element for mirror drilled dia. 6 mm
51212R clips, finger "De Luxe", opening 8 mm, chrome
51213S clips, finger "De Luxe", opening 8 mm, polished
51214T clips, finger, opening 7 mm, chrome
51215U clips, finger, opening 7 mm, polished
51265Y clips-fasteners for glass mounts, opening 5 mm x 100 out of stock
51267A hanging elements for glass mounts x 100 ( minimum quantity required) Minimal quantity required
51268B invisible mirror assembly kit - up to 0.8 m²
51269C invisible mirror assembly kit - up to 1.6 m²
51600N rosette, dia.13, matt chrome, cone-shaped out of stock
51601P rosette, dia.20, matt chrome, cone-shaped
51602Q rosette, marble-work, dia. 20 mm, cone-shaped head, matt chrome on request
51603R rosette, marble-work rosettes, dia. 20 mm, flat head, matt chrome
51607V rosette, dia.13, chrome, cone-shaped out of stock
51608W rosette, dia.13, polished, cone-shaped out of stock
51609X rosette, dia.13, chrome, flat head
51618H rosette, dia.16, polished, cone-shaped According to the stock available
51629U rosette, dia.20, chrome, flat head on request
51650S rosette, dia.30, polished, flat head According to the stock available
51681A mrosette, marble-work, dia. 20 mm, cone-shaped head, chrome
51682B rosette, marble-work, dia. 20 mm, cone-shaped head, gold brass out of stock
51683C mrosette, marble-work rosettes, dia. 20 mm, flat head, chrome
51684D rosette, marble-work rosettes, dia. 20 mm, flat head, gilded brass out of stock
51800F rosette, clip-on, brass, satin chrome, flat, dia. 16 mm
51801G rosette, clip-on, brass, satin chrome, flat, dia. 25 mm
51802H rosette, bases, dia. 22 mm for clip-on
51803J rosette, clip-on, brass, satin chrome, flat, dia. 30 mm on request
51804K rosette, base nuts, dia. 22 mm for clip-on
51806M rosette, base, dia. 13.8 mm for clip-on
51807N rosette, bases, dia. 22 mm for clip-on fwith wood screw
51810R rosette clip-on flat dia 16mm x 4 brass mat chrome
51820B rosette, clip-on, brass, chrome, flat, dia. 25 mm
51821C rosette, clip-on, brass, polished, flat, dia. 25 mm Minimal quantity required
51822D rosette, clip-on, brushshed stainless steel, flat, diam. 25 mm
51823F rosette, clip-on, brass, black, flat, dia. 25 mm out of stock
51824G rosette, clip-on, polished stainless steel, flat, diam. 25 mm
51825H rosette clip-on flat dia. 25mm brass chrome
51826J rosette, clip-on, brass, chrome, flat, dia. 30 mm
51833R rosette, clip-on, brass, polished, cone, dia. 25 mm out of stock
51837V rosette, clip-on, brass, yellow, cone, dia. 25 mm According to the stock available
51838W rosette, clip-on, brass, chrome, cone, dia. 30 mm
51839X rosette, clip-on, brass, polished, cone, dia. 30 mm
51841Z rosette, clip-on, brass, black, cone, dia. 30 mm out of stock
51842A rosette, clip-on, brass, blue, cone, dia. 30 mm According to the stock available
51843B rosette, clip-on, brass, yellow, cone, dia. 30 mm According to the stock available
51844C rosette, clip-on, brass, chrome, flat, dia. 20 mm out of stock
51845D rosette, clip-on, brass, polished, flat, dia. 20 mm out of stock
51846F rosette, clip-on, brushshed stainless steel, flat, diam. 25 mm x 10
51847G rosette, clip-on, brass, black, flat, dia. 20 mm out of stock
51850K rosette, clip-on, brass, chrome, flat, dia. 16 mm out of stock
51851L rosette, clip-on, brass, polished, flat, dia. 16 mm out of stock
51857S rosette, clip-on, brass, polished, cone, dia. 20 mm out of stock
51859U rosette, clip-on, brass, black, cone, dia. 20 mm out of stock
51860V rosette, clip-on, brass, blue, cone, dia. 20 mm According to the stock available
51861W rosette, clip-on, brass, yellow, cone, dia. 20 mm According to the stock available
51862X rosette, clip-on, brass, chrome, cone, dia. 16 mm on request
51863Y rosette, clip-on, brass, polished, cone, dia. 16 mm out of stock
51866B rosette, clip-on, brass, blue, cone, dia. 16 mm According to the stock available
51867C rosette, clip-on, brass, yellow, cone, dia. 16 mm According to the stock available
51868D rosette, clip-on, brass, white, flat, dia. 16 mm
51869F rosette, clip-on, brass, white, flat, dia. 20 mm Minimal quantity required
51871H rosette, clip-on, brass, white, flat, dia. 30 mm out of stock
51872J rosette, clip-on, brass, white, cone, dia. 16 mm out of stock
51873K rosette, clip-on, brass, white, cone, dia. 20 mm According to the stock available
51875M rosette, clip-on, brass, white, cone, dia. 30 mm According to the stock available
51878Q rosette, clip-on Louis XV
52016Q crystal-heads screw-cap dia.16 mm on request
52018S screws, drilled and threaded, 3.5 x 20 mm out of stock
52031G rosette, cast brass, Louis XV dia. 35 mm
52061P washers for checkerboard mirror dia. 13 mm x 10, brass According to the stock available
52062Q washers for checkerboard mirror dia. 16 mm x 10, brass
52070Y washers rubber x 100 According to the stock available
52407Q screws,countersunk head, wood, 5X20 x 100, M3.5 out of stock
52409S screws, countersunk head, wood, 5X30 x 100, M3.5 out of stock
52410T screws, countersunk head, wood, 5X40 x 100, M3.5 out of stock
52412V screws, countersunk head, metals, 5X20 x 100, M3.5
52414X screws, countersunk head, metals, 6X50 x 100, M3.5
52500R sign support, cone head
52502T sign support - minimum 100 pieces Minimal quantity required
52506X brace - nut-heal, flat, stainless steel with seal washer
52507Y brace - cone shaped nut head in stainless steel
52508Z brace - attaching kit for stainless steel tube out of stock
52509A brace - stainless steel cap with PVC seal washer
52510B brace - Threaded rod Ø M6 - Length : 1 m
52513F PICO fasteners - Transparent plastic washer for glass 6 to 8 mm x 50 out of stock
52515H PICO fasteners - clip-on rings, nickel brass x 50
52516J PICO fasteners - clip-on rings, gilded brass x 50 out of stock
53202D support for shelves, chromium-plated, opening 8.7 mm, zamak, width 12 cm According to the stock available
53206J support for shelves, chromium-plated, opening 8.7 mm, brass, width 18cm According to the stock available
53228H support for shelves, chromium-plated, opening 9 mm, zamak, width 15 cm
53284T supports, extending, for 12 to 15 cm shelves
54904D screws, brass countersunk head woodscrews, chromed, 3.5x20mm x 100 ( minimum quantity required) Minimal quantity required
54906G screws, brass countersunk head woodcrews, chromed, 3.5x25mm x 100 According to the stock available
54914Q screws, brass countersunk head woodcrews, chromed, 3X16mm x 100 According to the stock available
54918U screws, brass countersunk head woodcrews, chromed, 3.5 X 16mm x 100 According to the stock available
54920W screws, brass countersunk head woodcrews, chromed, 3.5 X 25mm x 100 According to the stock available
54930H screws, brass countersunk head woodscrews, polished, 3X16mm x 100 According to the stock available
54932K screws, brass countersunk head woodscrews, polished, 3X20mm x 100 According to the stock available
54936P screws, brass countersunk head woodscrews, polished, 3.5X16mm x 100 ( minimum quantity required) Minimal quantity required
54938R screws, brass countersunk head woodscrews, polished, 3.5X25mm x 100 According to the stock available
54940T screws, brass countersunk head woodscrews, polished, 4 x 25 mm x 100 According to the stock available
54946Z screws, brass countersunk head woodscrews, brass plated, 3.5X16mm x 100 According to the stock available
54950D screws, brass countersunk head woodscrews, brass plated, 3.5X25mm x 100
54951F screws, nickel plated steel countersunk head woodscrews 3.5X25mm x 100 According to the stock available
54952G screws, steel countersunk head woodscrews, brass plated, 3.5X30mm x 100 (minimum quantity required) Minimal quantity required
54960Q screws, brass tallow-drop woodsrews, chromed 3X25mm x 100 (minimum quantity required) Minimal quantity required
54962S screws, brass tallow-drop woodscrews, chromed, 3,5X25mm x 100
54963T screws, brass countersunk head woodscrews, alu grey, 3.5X25mm x 100 According to the stock available
54964U screws, brass countersunk head woodscrews, black, 3.5X25mm x 100 According to the stock available
54965V screws, brass countersunk head woodscrews, bronze, 3.5X25mm x 100 According to the stock available
54970A screws, chrome steel tallow-drop woodscrews, 3.5X20mm x 100 According to the stock available
54972C screws, chrome steel tallow-drop woodscrews, 3.5X25mm x 100 ( minimum quantity required) Minimal quantity required
54974F screws, chrome steel tallow-drop wood, 3.5X30mm x 100 According to the stock available
54980M screws, brass tallow-drop woodscrews, polished, 3X25mm x 100 ( minimum quantity required) Minimal quantity required
54982P screws, brass tallow-drop, polished, 3.5X25mm x 100 (minimum quantity required) Minimal quantity required
54984R screws, brass countersunk head woodscrews, matt nickel, 5X20mm x 100 According to the stock available
54985S screws, brass countersunk head woodscrews, alu grey, 5X20mm x 100 According to the stock available
54986T screws, brass countersunk head woodscrews, black, 5X20mm x 100 According to the stock available
54987U screws, brass countersunk head woodscrews, bronze, 5X20mm x 100 According to the stock available
54990X screws, steel round head woodscrews, chromed, 3.5X20mm x 100 (minimum quantity required)
54996D screws, steel round head woodscrews, brass plated, 2,5 x 10 mm x 100 According to the stock available
54997F screws, 90° countersunk, 4 x 15 mm and exagonal nut According to the stock available
55051P screws, chromed steel tallow-drop wood 3 x 16 mm According to the stock available
55055T screws, chromed steel tallow-drop wood 3,16 x 16 mm According to the stock available
60000T ADSLIDE - fastener for rail Ø 25mm, brushed stainless steel
60002V ADSLIDE - door middle height stopper, brushed stainless steel
60006Z ADSLIDE - adjustable ceiling suspended attachment for tube 90° , brushed stainless steel
60008B ADSLIDE - fixation glass/tube, brushed stainless steel
60009C ADSLIDE - fixation glass/tube, polished stainless steel
60010D lower guide ADSLIDE brushed stainless steel
60012G ADSLIDE - simple lower guide, brushed stainless steel
60014J roulement ADSLIDE, inox brossé G400
60016L ADSLIDE - adjustable ceiling suspended attachment , brushed stainless steel
60018N ADSLIDE - rolling system for sliding door, brushed stainless steel
60024U ADSLIDE - Stop for rail Ø 25mm, brushed stainless steel
60026W ADSLIDE - fixation wall/tube, brushed stainless steel
60028Y Adslide - 90° cube, inox brossé
60035G roller for shoe, steel According to the stock available
60039L end fitting with rubber stop, brass According to the stock available
60040M end fitting with rubber stop, chrome According to the stock available
60041N lock Huwil, various key numbers, left, gold According to the stock available
60043Q lock Huwil, various key numbers, right, gold According to the stock available
60048V lock Huwil, same key number, left, gold out of stock
60049W lock Huwil, same key number, right-hand, gold According to the stock available
60052Z lock for shoe section, same key number, left, gold According to the stock available
60053A lock for shoe section Huwil, same key number right, gold out of stock
60069T vibration-damper for 8 mm glass According to the stock available
60075Z roller track, shoe section, gold, anodised aluminium According to the stock available
60076A end fitting with rubber stop, gold According to the stock available
60080F lock, ratchet lock , various key numbers, chrome
60082H lock, ratchet lock Huwil, various key numbers, nickel plated out of stock
60083J lock, Huwil ratchet lock, same key number, nickel plated
60086M lock, ratchet lock A.S. same key number, chrome
60093U stop on rail, chromed Minimal quantity required
60094V stop on rail, brass According to the stock available
60095W stop on rail, chromed According to the stock available
60096X stop on rail, gilded According to the stock available
60100B INOVAGLAS - bearing roller out of stock
60101C INOVAGLAS - tube end fixing out of stock
60109M HAWA Junior 80/GP - cylinder, - Eurocylinder double, brass finish
60110N HAWA Junior 80/GP - cylinder - out of stock
60111P roller, nylon on request
60112Q guide plate minimum 400 pieces out of stock
60116U INOVAGLAS - Lower guide According to the stock available
60117V INOVAGLAS - stop - left/right stop According to the stock available
60118W roller track, slide, silver, anodised light-alloy out of stock
60119X roller track, slide, gilded, anodised light-alloy, gilded According to the stock available
60120Y roller track, suspension shoe section, silver, anodised light-alloy out of stock
60121Z track suspended securitrack double x 5m aluminium natural anodised
60122A roller track, flat strip section, silver, anodised light-alloy out of stock
60125D screw stop - gold According to the stock available
60126R shoe section suspended securitrack x 5m aluminium natural anodised
60128H profil suspended securitrack x 5m aluminium natural anodised
60129J INOVAGLAS - support - ceiling fixing support for tube According to the stock available
60129U roller suspended securitrack nylon
60130V lower guide suspended securitrack glass 5mm plastic
60131W lower guide suspended securitrack glass 6mm plastic
60132X lower guide suspended securitrack glass 8mm plastic
60133Y lower guide suspended securitrack glass 10mm plastic
60134Z end suspended securitrack aluminium natural anodised
60135Q tube - brushed stainless steel tube diam. 25 x 2 mm
60136R stop suspended securitrack aluminium natural anodised According to the stock available
60137S HAWA Junior 80/GP - upper rail in light natural colour anodised metal
60138T HAWA Junior 80/GP - ground rail for fixed glass panel
60140V HAWA Junior 80/GP - suspension set for one door
60141W HAWA Junior 80/GP - guide, lower guide, self-locking
60142X HAWA Junior 80/GP - door-stop, bottom
60143Y HAWA Junior 80/GP - sliding rail - natural anodized aluminium 4 M length
60144Z HAWA Junior 80/GP - covers - Matt chrome
60145A HAWA Junior 80/GP - covers - Gold
60146B HAWA Junior 80/GP - L-profile - Natural anodised. 2,5 M length
60147C HAWA Junior 80/GP - mounting units for L-profile
60148D HAWA Junior 80/GP - covers for L-profile - Grey
60149F HAWA Junior 80/GP - lock - "Toplock"
60150G HAWA Junior 80/GP - Drilling jig for Toplock
60151H HAWA Junior 80/GP - profile - Wall profile - Length : 2,5 M
60153K HAWA Junior 80/GP - strike plate for wall profile
60154L HAWA Junior 80/GP - cover plates for Toplock - Matt chrome
60155M HAWA Junior 80/GP - cover plates for Toplock - Brass finish on request
60156N HAWA Junior 80/GP - set of 4 square covers, mat chrome
60157P HAWA Junior 80/GP - rubber strip for rail 60138T (10 m roll)
60159R handle - Pull-handle in brushed stainless steel
60165X tube - polished stainless steel tube diam. 25 x 2 mm
60166Y tube - brushed stainless steel tube diam. 25 x 1 mm
60167Z tube - polished stainless steel tube diam. 25 x 1 mm
60169B HAWA purolino - Hardware to secure 10 mm thick tempered sliding glass door
60170C HAWA Purolino - Hardware to secure the pane of a 2x5 mm tempered sliding glass door
60171D HAWA Purolino - Double self-tightening lower guide for doors 8 to 13 mm thick, stainless steel decor
60173G HAWA Purolino - Set of pre-drilled aluminium running rails for wall mounting, brushed anodised stainless steel x 3 m
60178M HAWA Purolino - Imitation stainless steel metal end cap, per unit
60179N HAWA Purolino - Set of finishing strips for wall mounting and glass edges, anodised aluminium, brushed stainless steel x 2,5m
60180P HAWA Purolino - Set of finishing strips for wall mounting, anodised aluminium, brushed stainless steel x 2,5m
60181Q HAWA Purolino - Centring hardware, grey, for glass door
60182R HAWA Purolino - Lower door stop with centring hardware, stainless steel decor
60183S HAWA Puro 150 - Hardware to secure the 10 mm thick tempered sliding glass door
60184T HAWA Puro 150 - Hardware to secure the 8.5 to 10.4 mm thick tempered, shatterproof sliding glass door
60185U HAWA Puro 150 - Set of anodised, pre-drilled aluminium tracks , silver colour, with U-sections and cover trim x 2,5 m
60186V HAWA Puro 150 - Set of anodised, pre-drilled aluminium tracks , silver colour, with U-sections and cover trim x 3,5 m
60187W HAWA Puro 150 - Ceiling connection section for installation in a suspended ceiling, anodised silver colour x 2,5 m
60188X HAWA Puro 150 - Ceiling connection section for installation in a suspended ceiling, anodised silver colour x 3,5 m
60189Y HAWA Purolino plus - Hardware for a sliding door
60190Z HAWA Puro 150 - Double self-tightening lower guide for doors 8 to 13 mm thick, mat chrome
60191A HAWA Puro 150 -Hardware for a sliding door
60192B HAWA purolino - Hardware to secure 8 mm thick tempered sliding glass door
60200L U profile 10x10x10x1.5 - chromed brass on request
60207T U profile 15x12x15x1.5 - chromed brass out of stock
60214A U profile 20x12x20x1.5 - chromed brass
60216C U profile 20x12x20x1.5 - matt chromed brass
60218F U profile 15x15x15x2 - chromed brass
60219G U profile 15x15x15x2 - matt chromed brass
60223L sliding track, upper or lower slide, chromed, brass
60224M sliding track, upper or lower slide, polished brass (on request) Please contact us
60225N cylinder, steel out of stock
60226P sliding track, slideway for slide mount (without felt), chromed, brass
60227Q sliding track, slideway for slide mount (without felt), polished brass (on request) Please contact us
60240D U profile 20x15x20x1 - brushed stainless steel - 2.90 m out of stock
60271N screws to fix bracket on slide 10 x 20 x 10, chrome According to the stock available
60272P screws to fix bracket on slide 10 x 20 x 10, alu grey According to the stock available
60273Q screws to fix bracket on slide 10 x 20 x 10, alu black According to the stock available
60274R screws to fix bracket on slide 10 x 20 x 10, bronze According to the stock available
60313J side slide 3.45 m natural anodized x 1 SECURITRACK
60321S side slide 2.05 m natural anodized x 1 SECURITRACK
60326X stopper natural anodized SECURITRACK
60329A side slide 4 m chromed x 1 SECURITRACK According to the stock available
60331C upper slide 4 m chromed x 1 SECURITRACK out of stock
60333F lower track 4 m polisheded x 1 SECURITRACK out of stock
60336J lower track "U' 4 m chromed x 1 SECURITRACK
60338L sliding track 4 m chromed x 1 SECURITRACK on request
60340N kit 4 x end-parts polished steel effect SECURITRACK
60343R roller SECURITRACK nylon
60344S lock with cam for showcase, same key, Delivered without key, natural anodised
60345T lock with cam for showcase, same key, Delivered without key, stainless steel effect
60346U lock with cam for showcase, same key, Delivered without key, anodised gilded effect
60347V kit 4 x end-parts gilded SECURITRACK
60348W kit 4 x end-parts stainless steel effect SECURITRACK
60349X kit 4 x end-parts natural anodised SECURITRACK
60350Y kit end-parts/lock Adler different keys delivered with 2 keys natural anodised SECURITRACK
60352A kit end-parts/lock ADLER different keys gold SECURITRACK According to the stock available
60353B kit end-parts/lock ADLER different keys delivered with 2 keys brushed stainless steel effect SECURITRACK
60354C kit end-parts/lock Adler same key (n°1) Delivered without key natural anodised SECURITRACK
60356F kit end-parts/lock Adler same key (n°1) Delivered without key gold SECURITRACK
60357G kit end-parts/lock Adler same key (n°1) Delivered without key brushed stainless steel effect SECURITRACK
60358H additionalkit for electromagnetic lock natural anodised SECURITRACK
60359J additional kit for electromagnetic lock anodised polished SECURITRACK
60360K additional kit for electromagnetic lock gilded SECURITRACK
60361L additional kit for electromagnetic lock brushed stainless steel effect SECURITRACK
60363N lower track 4,20 m natural anodized x 1 SECURITRACK
60364P lower track SECURITRACK 4,20m x 16 lg aluminium natural anodized
60365Q lower track 4,20 m, x 256 SECURITRACK 4,20m, x 256 lg natural anodized Please contact us
60366R upper slide 4,20 m natural anodized x 1 SECURITRACK
60367S upper slide SECURITRACK 4,20m x 12 lg natural anodized
60368T upper slide SECURITRACK 4,20m x 252 lg natural anodized Please contact us
60369U sliding track 4,20 m natural anodized x 1 SECURITRACK
60370V sliding track SECURITRACK 4,20m x 12 lg natural anodized
60371W sliding track SECURITRACK 4,20m x 252 lg natural anodized Please contact us
side slide 4,20 m natural anodized x 1 SECURITRACK
sold out replaced by
60373Y side slide SECURITRACK 4,20m x 16 lg natural anodized out of stock
60374Z side slide SECURITRACK 4,20m x 256 lg natural anodized Please contact us
60375A lock with cam for showcase, different keys, delivered with 2 keys, natural anodised
60376B lock with cam for showcase, different keys, delivered with 2 keys, stainless steel effect Please contact us
60377C upper slide 2,95 m anodised brushed stainless steel style x 1 SECURITRACK out of stock
60378D sliding track 2,95 m anodised brushed stainless steel effect x 1 SECURITRACK
60379F lower track 2,95 m anodised brushed stainless steel inox effectx 1 SECURITRACK
60380G lower track "U' 4,20 m natural anodized x 1 SECURITRACK
60381H lower track "U' 4,20 m natural anodized x 16 SECURITRACK
60383K support for "U" 4,2 m lower track natural anodized x 1 SECURITRACK
60384L support for "U" 4,20 m lower track natural anodized x 16 SECURITRACK
60386N side slide 2,95 m anodised stainless brushed steel effect x 1 SECURITRACK
60387P cavalier SECURITRACK for showcase Natural anodized aluminium out of stock
60390S kit end-parts/lock Adler different keys delivered with 2 keys chromed zamak SECURITRACK
60391T kit end-parts/lock Adler same key (n°1) Delivered without key, chromed zamak SECURITRACK
60393V 1.45 m kit in polished anodized shiny aluminium SECURITRACK out of stock
60394W 1.45 m kit in gold anodized aluminium SECURITRACK According to the stock available
60396Y profil SECURITRACK 2m PVC
60397Z profil SECURITRACK 3cm PVC
60398A key n°1 for sliding track lock
60402F roller track, anodized aluminium, upper slide, gold aluminium x 5 m out of stock
60404H roller track, anodized aluminium, rail, gold aluminium x 5 m out of stock
60405J roller track, shoe, anodised aluminium, silver aluminium x 5 m out of stock
60414T vibration-damper for 6 mm glass thick According to the stock available
60415U vibration-damper for 8 mm glass According to the stock available
60419Y end-fitting-open clipped, gold According to the stock available
60421A roller track, anodised aluminium, natural - upper slide(1x3m) According to the stock available
60422B roller track, anodised aluminium, natural - upper slide (10x3 m) According to the stock available
60423C roller track, anodised aluminium, natural - rail According to the stock available
60424D end-fitting-closed mitre , natural According to the stock available
60426G end-fitting-open mitre, natural According to the stock available
60429K lock right / left, various key numbers, gold According to the stock available
60431M wrench for mounting rollers According to the stock available
60432N roller track, anodised aluminium, natural - rail (10x3m) According to the stock available
60435R socket to attach, upper slideway, chrome ( minimum quantity required) Minimal quantity required
60436S socket to attach, upper slideway, gold ( minimum quantity required) Minimal quantity required
60437T socket to attach, upper slideway, zinc plated ( minimum quantity required) Minimal quantity required
60438U socket to attach, upper slideway, black ( minimum quantity required) Minimal quantity required
60439V socket to attach, upper slideway, grey According to the stock available
60441X lock right / left, same key number, gold According to the stock available
60442Y roller track, anodised aluminium - upper slide (10x3m), gold According to the stock available
60443Z roller track (10x3m), anodised natural - upper slide, bronze According to the stock available
60445B roller track, anodised aluminium - lower side and rail (10x3m), bronze According to the stock available
60446C roller track, anodised aluminium - sliding track (10x3m), gold According to the stock available
60449G roller track - upper slide, bronze x 3m According to the stock available
60457Q Häfele - gasket seal for 6 mm glass
60462V upper or side rail x 4,50m SECURITRACK According to the stock available
60464X Shoe end fitting natural SECURITRACK
60465Y mechanical lock for shoe,same key , natural SECURITRACK
60467A SECURITRACK - gasket seal for 6 mm glass x 1500 mm
60470D gasket seal for 6 mm glass SECURITRACK
60473H upper or side rail x 16 x 4,5m SECURITRACK According to the stock available
60474J roller track, anodised aluminium, upper slide, natural aluminium x 2,5 m out of stock
60475K roller track, sliding track, anodised aluminium, silver aluminium x 2,5 m out of stock
60477M roller track, anodised aluminium, upper slide, gold x 2,5 m According to the stock available
60481R mechanical lock for shoe, different keys, natural SECURITRACK
60482S mechanical lock for shoe , same key n°110, chrome SECURITRACK
60483T mechanical lock for shoe , same key, gilded SECURITRACK
60485V vibration-damper for 6 to 8.8 mm glass SECURITRACK
60487X mechanical lock for shoe , same key n°120, chrome SECURITRACK
60510X upper slide , SECURITRACK 2,90m gilded anodised aluminium on request
60511Y side slide SECURITRACK 2,90m gilded anodised aluminum
60512Z lower track SECURITRACK 2,90m gilded anodised aluminium
60513A sliding track SECURITRACK 2,90m> gilded anodised aluminium
60514B lower track "U' SECURITRACK 2,90m gilded anodised aluminium
60520J upper slide SECURITRACK 1,38 bright anodised aluminium
60521K shoe track SECURITRACK 1,38m bright anodised aluminium
60522L lower track SECURITRACK 1,38m bright anodised aluminium
60523M side slide SECURITRACK 1,38m bright anodised aluminium
60524N upper slide SECURITRACK 2,90m bright anodised aluminium
60525P shoe track SECURITRACK 2,90m bright anodised aluminium
60526Q lower track SECURITRACK 2,90m bright anodised aluminium
60527R side slide SECURITRACK 2,90m bright anodised aluminium
60540F bracket "Design Maud" - central support, natural aluminium According to the stock available
60541G bracket "Design Maud" - central support, aluminium, gold According to the stock available
60543J bracket "design Maud" - central support, steel, white According to the stock available
60544K bracket "Design Maud" - side mount, aluminium, natural According to the stock available
60545L bracket "Design Maud" - side mount, aluminium, gold According to the stock available
60547N bracket "Design Maud" - side mount, steel, white According to the stock available
60549Q bracket "Design Maud" - central support, aluminium, gold According to the stock available
60550R bracket "Design Maud" - side mount, aluminium, natural According to the stock available
60551S bracket "Design Maud" - side mount, aluminium, gold According to the stock available
60552T bracket "Design Maud" - central support, steel, black finish According to the stock available
60600V kit - floor/ceiling fixing kit (cable Ø 1.5 mm x 4 m) (on request) on request
60601W kit for suspended fixing with ballast (cable Ø 1.5 mm x 4 m) on request
60602X support - Pierced shelf support (hole Ø 10 mm) on request
60603Y clip bracket for shelf up to 6 mm on request
60604Z clip bracket double for shelf up to 6 mm on request
60605A clip bracket for shelf up to 10 mm (on request) on request
60606B clip bracket double for shelf up to 10 mm (on request) on request
60607C shelf console for up to 8 mm (on request) on request
60608D kit - Floor/ceiling fixing kit (cable Ø 3 mm x 4 m) (on request) on request
60609F support - pierced shelf support (hole Ø 10 mm) (on request) on request
60610G clip bracket for shelf up to 6 mm (on request) on request
60611H clip bracket, double, for shelf up to 6 mm (on request) on request
60612J clip bracket for shelf up to 10 mm (on request) on request
60613K clip bracket, double, for shelf up to 10 mm (on request) on request
60614L shelf console for up to 8 mm (on request) on request
60615M kit - Floor/ceiling fixing kit (rod Ø 6 mm) (on request) on request
60616N rod - Ø 6 mm rod in stainless steel (on request) on request
60617P rod - Ø 6 mm rod in stainless steel (on request) on request
60618Q support - Pierced shelf support (hole Ø 10 mm) (on request) on request
60619R clip bracket for shelf up to 6 mm (on request) on request
60620S clip bracket, double, for shelf up to 6 mm (on request) on request
60621T clip bracket for shelf up to 10 mm (on request) on request
60622U clip bracket, double, for shelf up to 10 mm (on request) on request
60623V shelf console for up to 8 mm (on request) on request
60624W kit - Floor/ceiling fixing kit (rod Ø 10 mm (on request) on request
60625X rod - Ø 10 mm rod in stainless steel (on request) on request
60626Y rod - Ø 10 mm rod in stainless steel (on request) on request
60627Z Pierced shelf support (hole Ø 14 mm) (on request) on request
60628A clip bracket for shelf up to 6 mm (on request) on request
60629B clip bracket, double, for shelf up to 6 mm (on request) on request
60630C clip bracket for shelf up to 10 mm (on request) on request
60631D clip bracket, double, for shelf up to 10 mm (on request) on request
60632F shelf console for up to 8 mm (on request) on request
60633G brackets for mini strip light (on request) on request
60700A roller track SECURITRACK complete kit 1.45m aluminium natural anodized
60701B roller track SECURITRACK complete kit 1.38m aluminium bright anodized
60702C roller track SECURITRACK complete kit 1.45m anodized aluminium gilded on request
60703D roller track SECURITRACK complete kit 1.45m aluminium stainless steel finish
60704F roller track SECURITRACK kit no shoe end 1.38m aluminium natural anodized
60705G roller track SECURITRACK complete kit 1.38m anodized aluminium gilded on request
60706H roller track SECURITRACK complete kit 1.38m aluminium BSS
60707J roller track SECURITRACK complete kit 1.38m aluminium natural anodized
60712M stop suspended securitrack aluminium natural anodised
60904A support, 20 cm, gold According to the stock available
60905B support, 25 cm, gold According to the stock available
60907D support, 40 cm, gold According to the stock available
60909G support with catch, 20 cm, champagne According to the stock available
60910H support with catch, 25 cm, champagne According to the stock available
60911J support with catch, 30 cm, champagne According to the stock available
60912K support with catch, 40 cm, champagne According to the stock available
60913L support, 15 cm, champagne According to the stock available
60915N support, 20 cm, silver According to the stock available
60916P support, 25 cm, silver According to the stock available
60919S support, 20 cm, champagne According to the stock available
60920T support, 25 cm, champagne According to the stock available
60921U support, 30 cm, champagne According to the stock available
60922V support, 40 cm, champagne According to the stock available
60925Y support with catch, 25 cm, gold According to the stock available
60926Z support with catch, 30 cm, gold According to the stock available
60927A support with catch, 40 cm, gold According to the stock available
60932G support with catch, 15 cm, silver According to the stock available
60936L support with catch, 40 cm, silver According to the stock available
60958K bracket, anodised light alloy, without overlap, silver According to the stock available
60963Q bracket, slide for rack upright, aluminium anodised, bronze ( minimum quantity required) Minimal quantity required
60965S bracket, slide for rack upright, aluminium anodised, gold According to the stock available
60966T bracket, Slide for rack upright, anodised aluminium, bronze ( minimum quantity required) Minimal quantity required
60970X bracket, slide for rack upright, anodised aluminium, natural
60971Y bracket, fixing socket for rack upright, chrome
60972Z bracket, fixing socket for rack upright, gold
60973A bracket, fixing socket for rack upright, zinc plated ( minimum quantity required) Minimal quantity required
60974B bracket, fixing socket for rack upright, black According to the stock available
60975C bracket, fixing socket for rack upright, grey According to the stock available
60981K bracket, slide for rack upright, aluminium anodised, natural x10
61111A bracket, simple, 20 mm, polished brass (on request)
61138F bracket, with LH overlap, polished brass (on request)
61139G bracket, with RH overlap, polished brass (on request)
61140H bracket, double overlap, polished brass (on request)
61166L bracket, with LH overlap, chrome
61191N bracket, double overlap, chrome out of stock
61201Y support with catch, length 10 cm, chrome
61203A support with catch, length 15 cm, chrome
61205C support with catch, length 20 cm, chrome
61207F support with catch, length 25 cm, chrome out of stock
61212L bracket, simple, brass, aluminiumm grey According to the stock available
61213M bracket, simple, brass, black According to the stock available
61214N bracket, simple, brass, bronze According to the stock available
61221V support with catch, 2 double lugs, chrome, length 10 cm
61223X support with catch, 2 double lugs, chrome, length 15 cm
61225Z support with catch, 2 double lugs, chrome, length 20 cm
61227B support with catch, 2 double lugs, chrome, length 25 cm
61232H support with catch, length 15 cm, aluminium grey According to the stock available
61233J support with catch, length 15 cm, black According to the stock available
61234K support with catch, length 15 cm, bronze According to the stock available
61264S support, length 30 cm, simple, bronze According to the stock available
61354Q support, length 30 cm, simple, chrome
61355R support, length 30 cm, simple, polished (on request)
61380T support, length 5 cm , chrome
61381U support, length 5 cm, polished (on request)
61384X bracket, simple, chromed brass
61385Y bracket, simple, polished brass (on request)
62626M pre-wired casings for network control Please contact us
62632D brass clips for counter, simple, H 10 cm, chromium-plated out of stock
62634G clips for counter, simple, H 20 cm, chromium-plated brass out of stock
62636J clips for counter, double, H 10 cm, chromium-plated brass out of stock
62639M clips for counter, double, H 25 cm, chromium-plated brass out of stock
62640N clips for counter, corner, H 10 cm, chromium-plated brass According to the stock available
62641P clips for counter, corner, H 15 cm, chromium-plated brass According to the stock available
62643R clips for counter, corner, H 25 cm, chromium-plated brass out of stock
62644S clips for counter, T-shaped, H 10 cm, chromium-plated brass According to the stock available
62645T clips for counter, T-shaped, H 15 cm, chromium-plated brass According to the stock available
62646U clips for counter, T-shaped, H 20 cm, chromium-plated brass According to the stock available
62647V clips for counter, T-shaped, H 25 cm, chromium-plated brass According to the stock available
62651Z rayonnette middle fitting According to the stock available
62660K kit 4D clip for counter, chromed brass According to the stock available
62661L kit 4D clip for counter, matt chromed brass According to the stock available
62662M kit 4D clip for counter, gilded brass According to the stock available
62915N pivot hinge adler 65x27 chamfered aluminium chromed
62916P pivot hinge adler 65x27 chamfered aluminium anodized BSS aspect
62944U Anodized aluminum pivot clamp "brushed stainless steel". E= 9mm, a= 27mm, b= 16mm, c= 27mm, d= 16mm. Glass thickness from 6 to 8.5mm. adler 16x27 aluminium anodized polished
62949Z clip adler 40x27 aluminium anodized BSS aspect