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Sales unit :  set of 4
Packaging dimensions and weight
   Weight   :  67 g
   Height  :  26 mm
   Length  :  100 mm
   Width  :  95 mm
   Volume  :  247 cm3
The precision butt hinge: Capsi or Reversi
kit shims capsi for set of hinges th.6-10 x3 J4 cork natural

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kit shims capsi for set of hinges th.6-10 x3 J4 cork natural

3 sets of 4 cork shims :

th. 3 for glass 10 mm
th. 5 for glass 8 mm
th. 6 for glass 6 mm

Attention  To order or ask for a quotation go first to "Customer area"

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The precision butt hinge: Capsi or Reversi :
40 years of Adler experience and research have produced Capsi: the smallest hinge for the largest doors, with the most precise self-closing for closing to the nearest millimetre in a continuously adjustable return position. Patented mechanism, exceptional materials. Reversi: an inverted Capsi, visible screws on the inside without cover plates: for an even more minimalist design.